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    Captcha en mod_rewrite aanzetten.
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    Registrar SIDN: Nee
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    Captcha en mod_rewrite aanzetten.

    Beste Mensen,

    Nadat ik een nieuwe Apache Build Profile aangemaakt had voor het probleem wat ik eerder in dit forum aangekaart had. Zit ik met het probleem dat ik geen captcha afbeeldingen meer zie op websites en als ik mod_rewrite op een site aan zet vertaald hij de urls niet meer dan krijg ik alleen een fout pagina.

    Hoe moet ik te werk gaan om dit binnen WHM weer goed te krijgen.

    CGI staat aan op de server zo ver ik kon zien en als dat er iets mee temaken heeft.

    Alvast dank.

    Gr Paul

  2. #2
    Captcha en mod_rewrite aanzetten.
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    Registrar SIDN: Nee
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    Als ik in de basic profile kijk zie ik Rewrite en in het PHP Image profile zie ik GD libraries staan. Moet ik deze aan het Previously Saved Config (** DEFAULT **) profile toevoegen? En als dat zo is zie ik in de extra opties niet met die omschijvingen..!

  3. #3
    Captcha en mod_rewrite aanzetten.
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    Naam: ITChick
    Ondernemingsnummer: nvt

    De "Previously Saved Config" is de config doe je bij de vorige build gebruikt hebt. Je hebt bij de laatste build simpelweg opties weggelaten die er voorheen wel bij zaten. Laadt de vorige config, vink GD en rewrite aan, sla hem op en build opnieuw.

  4. #4
    Captcha en mod_rewrite aanzetten.
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    Registrar SIDN: Nee
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    Oke duidelijk alleen het probleem is dat ik Rewrite er niet tussen de opties erbij zie staan.

    Exhaustive Options List
    Jump to: Apache | Other | PHP 5 | Preferences | Save As If you need more information about specific apache modules, their capabilities, or uses please see Please choose specific options:

    Apache Built-in ModulesOptions in this color are enabled by default in Apache. That means that you won't see anything added to Apache's configure line unless it is unchecked. Asis [More Info ↑]
    Auth Anon [More Info ↑]
    Auth DBM [More Info ↑]
    AuthDigest [More Info ↑]
    Auth LDAP [More Info ↑]
    Cache [More Info ↑]
    Cern Meta [More Info ↑]
    Charset Lite [More Info ↑]
    DAVFs [More Info ↑]
    Dav [More Info ↑]
    Among other things mod_dav can be used by DAV enabled Frontpage clients instead of FP extensions

    Deflate [More Info ↑]
    Disk Cache [More Info ↑]
    Dumpio [More Info ↑]
    Echo [More Info ↑]
    Env [More Info ↑]
    Expires [More Info ↑]
    ExtFilter [More Info ↑]
    Mod FCGID [More Info ↑]
    fastcgi support

    File Cache [More Info ↑]
    Prevent Users from reading other webroots

    Frontpage [More Info ↑]
    Headers [More Info ↑]
    Imagemap [More Info ↑]
    LDAP [More Info ↑]
    Log Forensic [More Info ↑]
    MPM Leader [More Info ↑]
    Before choosing *any* MPM read and understand the documentation that can found by clicking "More Info"

    MPM Perchild [More Info ↑]
    Before choosing *any* MPM read and understand the documentation that can found by clicking "More Info"

    MPM Prefork [More Info ↑]
    (recommended) Before choosing *any* MPM read and understand the documentation that can found by clicking "More Info"

    MPM Threadpool [More Info ↑]
    Before choosing *any* MPM read and understand the documentation that can found by clicking "More Info"

    MPM Worker [More Info ↑]
    Before choosing *any* MPM read and understand the documentation that can found by clicking "More Info"

    MemCache [More Info ↑]
    Mime Magic [More Info ↑]
    Optional Fn Export
    Optional Fn Import
    Optional Hook Import
    Mod SuPHP [More Info ↑]
    This option will make the following changes to your profile prior to the build:
    CGI (PHP v4)
    CGI (PHP v5)

    Proxy [More Info ↑]
    required for cPanel/WHM/Webmail/Webdisk proxy VirtualHost support

    Speling [More Info ↑]
    UniqueId [More Info ↑]
    Usertrack [More Info ↑]
    Version [More Info ↑]
    Vhost Alias [More Info ↑]

    Back to top

    Other Modules EAccelerator for PHP [More Info ↑]
    v0.9.5.3 - caches compiled PHP pages ONLY when running in a persistent (DSO/FCGID) manner

    IonCube Loader for PHP [More Info ↑]
    3.1.34 - please read documentation that can found by clicking "More Info" to fully understand this option

    Mod Bandwidth [More Info ↑]
    v2.1 for Apache 1.3, v0.8 for Apache 2.x - see documentation that can found by clicking "More Info" for details

    Tomcat [More Info ↑]
    v5.5.27 - Experts ONLY: Do not install this unless you have a tomcat admin.

    Mod Mono (.Net 1.x) [More Info ↑]
    v2.2 - Experts ONLY: Do not install this unless you have a mono admin This option will make the following changes to your profile prior to the build:
    Mod Mono (.Net 2.x)

    Mod Mono (.Net 2.x) [More Info ↑]
    Not currently compatible with mod_mono .Net 1.x support, one will be dropped This option will make the following changes to your profile prior to the build:
    Mod Mono (.Net 1.x)

    Mod Perl [More Info ↑]
    v2.0.4 - not needed to run CGI scripts

    Mod Security [More Info ↑]
    v1.9.5 for Apache 1.3, v2.5.9 for Apache 2.x This option will make the following changes to your profile prior to the build:

    Suhosin for PHP [More Info ↑]
    v0.9.27 - please read documentation that can found by clicking "More Info" to fully understand this option

    SourceGuardian Loader for PHP [More Info ↑]
    7.1 - please read documentation that can found by clicking "More Info" to fully understand this option

    Zend Optimizer for PHP [More Info ↑]
    3.3.3 - please read documentation that can found by clicking "More Info" to fully understand this option

    By choosing this option you are signifying agreement and compliance with the license at If you do not agree to those terms you must not choose this option.

    Back to top

    PHP 5.2.8 (Be sure to "harden" your PHP since PHP has many security issues)For more information about PHP configuration, capabilities, and limitations please see Options in this color are enabled by default in php 5.2.8. That means that you won't see anything added to php's configure line unless it is unchecked. Bcmath [More Info ↑]
    Bz2 [More Info ↑]
    CGI [More Info ↑]
    Calendar [More Info ↑]
    Concurrent DSO patch [More Info ↑]
    Allows PHP 4 and 5 to load simultaneously as Apache modules (not compatible with Zend optimizer and some extensions)

    Curl [More Info ↑]
    CurlSSL [More Info ↑]
    Curlwrappers [More Info ↑]
    Dbase [More Info ↑]
    Discard Path
    may interfere with running PHP as CGI

    Exif [More Info ↑]
    Expat [More Info ↑]
    You may need this to address for PHP 5.2.8 and older

    FTP [More Info ↑]
    This option will make the following changes to your profile prior to the build:
    Mod FCGID

    Force CGI Redirect [More Info ↑]
    GD [More Info ↑]
    This option will make the following changes to your profile prior to the build:

    Gettext [More Info ↑]
    Iconv [More Info ↑]
    Support iconv character set conversion facility

    Imap [More Info ↑]
    MM [More Info ↑]
    Magic Quotes [More Info ↑]
    MailHeaders [More Info ↑]
    Mbstring [More Info ↑]
    Mcrypt [More Info ↑]
    Mhash [More Info ↑]
    Mime Magic [More Info ↑]
    Ming [More Info ↑]
    (Not Recommended due to various problems) using ming library 0.4.2

    Mysql [More Info ↑]
    compile MySQL support using the PHP bundled libraries (if the System MySQL option is checked it takes precedence over this option)

    Mysql of the system [More Info ↑]
    compile mysql (and mysqli if its checked) support against the system libraries

    MySQL "Improved" extension. [More Info ↑]
    MySQLi does not replace the standard MySQL extension. Requires MySQL 4.1 or later. !! mysqli may not work on all systems, contact your support provider for mysqli support !!

    Openssl [More Info ↑]
    PDO [More Info ↑]
    Includes SQLite support. MySQL support is available. If you plan on installing or updating PDO drivers (freetds, oracle, etc) via PECL you might want to skip this option as PECL will install the version of PDO it has.

    PDO MySQL [More Info ↑]
    This option will make the following changes to your profile prior to the build:

    POSIX [More Info ↑]
    Path Info Check
    Pear [More Info ↑]
    PGsql [More Info ↑]
    Requires PostgreSQL 7.3 or higher to already be installed. You can do that with /scripts/installpostgres

    Pspell [More Info ↑]
    SNMP [More Info ↑]
    Requires the SNMP Dev libraries to be installed first!!!

    SOAP [More Info ↑]
    SafeMode [More Info ↑]
    Safe PHP CGI
    prevents users from overriding system php.ini

    Sockets [More Info ↑]
    TTF (FreeType) [More Info ↑]
    Tidy [More Info ↑]
    Wddx [More Info ↑]
    XSL [More Info ↑]
    XmlRPC [More Info ↑]
    Zend Multibyte
    Zip [More Info ↑]
    Zlib [More Info ↑]
    Requires that zlib is installed and up to date

    Save my profile with appropriate PHP 5 options set so that it is compatible with cpphp
    This option will make the following changes to your profile prior to the build:
    Mysql of the system

    Back to top

    Preferences Always do latest PHP (forces newest minor version of any major versions chosen) This takes precedence over "Always do oldest PHP".
    Always do oldest PHP (forces oldest minor version of any major versions chosen) This only applies if "Always do latest PHP" is not active.
    Archive Backup (this session only)
    After each "post restart" test check that apache is still running
    If httpd.conf generation fails or apache can not be restarted after conf generation, leave build in-place so I can manually resolve httpd.conf issues.
    When there are problems with local templates and the default templates are tried, move the local one to a .broken extension.
    Report Errors to cPanel
    Only apply "Always do latest PHP" if PHP in profile is no longer available
    Only apply "Always do oldest PHP" if PHP in profile is no longer available
    Reset Apache Config to default - any customizations will be lost (this session only)

  5. #5
    Captcha en mod_rewrite aanzetten.
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    Naam: Ron
    Ondernemingsnummer: nvt

    Citaat Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door PaulusB Bekijk Berichten
    Oke duidelijk alleen het probleem is dat ik Rewrite er niet tussen de opties erbij zie staan.
    Mod_rewrite wordt altijd meegeinstalleerd, zonder in de lijst opgenomen te zijn. Het rebuilden van Apache lost dat al op, eigenlijk.

  6. #6
    Captcha en mod_rewrite aanzetten.
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    Registrar SIDN: Nee
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    Nee bij mij dan als ik naar het huidig actief profiel kijk niet.


    Apache 2.0.63

    [More Info ↑] Access
    [More Info ↑] Actions
    [More Info ↑] Alias
    [More Info ↑] AuthnDefault
    [More Info ↑] AuthzHost
    [More Info ↑] Autoindex
    [More Info ↑] DIR
    [More Info ↑] Expires
    Prevent Users from reading other webroots
    [More Info ↑] Frontpage
    [More Info ↑] Headers
    [More Info ↑] Log Config
    [More Info ↑] Mime
    [More Info ↑] Negotiation
    [More Info ↑] Mod SuPHP
    This option will make the following changes to your profile prior to the build:
    CGI (PHP v4)
    CGI (PHP v5)

    [More Info ↑] Proxy
    required for cPanel/WHM/Webmail/Webdisk proxy VirtualHost support
    [More Info ↑] Setenvif
    [More Info ↑] Status
    [More Info ↑] Userdir

    PHP 5.2.8
    [More Info ↑] Bcmath
    [More Info ↑] Calendar
    [More Info ↑] FTP
    [More Info ↑] Imap
    [More Info ↑] Magic Quotes
    [More Info ↑] Mysql
    compile MySQL support using the PHP bundled libraries (if the System MySQL option is checked it takes precedence over this option)
    [More Info ↑] Mysql of the system
    compile mysql (and mysqli if its checked) support against the system libraries
    [More Info ↑] Sockets
    [More Info ↑] Zlib
    Requires that zlib is installed and up to date
    Echter in het PHP Security profile zit hij wel standaard samen met Mod SuPHP.

  7. #7
    Captcha en mod_rewrite aanzetten.
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    Naam: Ron
    Ondernemingsnummer: nvt

    Citaat Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door PaulusB Bekijk Berichten
    Nee bij mij dan als ik naar het huidig actief profiel kijk niet.
    Zoals ik zeg: die wordt standaard meegeinstalleerd, zonder in het overzicht opgenomen te zijn.

    Vraag eens via de commandline de meegeinstalleerde apache modules op:
    /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -l
    Mod_rewrite zal er tussen staan.

  8. #8
    Captcha en mod_rewrite aanzetten.
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    Registrar SIDN: Nee
    KvK nummer: nvt
    Ondernemingsnummer: nvt

    Thread Starter
    De mod rewrite werkt weer ik heb de php error paginas aangezet hierdoor werkt het weer. Nu alleen de de afbeeldingen werkend krijgen.


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