Toch weer heel veel nieuws en bug fixes. Happy updating!

Version 5.3.7

Release Date: 13th May 2014

Case #2719 - Display an error message when Duplicate TLD requirements are not met
Case #2996 - Update to treat credit removal like a refund
Case #3251 - Prevent duplicate domain names from being added to the cart
Case #3331 - Add InvoiceCreation Hook Point
Case #3879 - WHOIS Server Definition Updates
Case #3973 - Performance Optimisations to Annual Income Report
Case #3973 - Performance Optimisations to Daily Performance Report
Case #3973 - Performance Optimisations to Monthly Transactions Report
Case #3973 - Performance Optimisations to Support Ticket Replies Report
Case #3991 - Improve Product Assigned Downloads Logic
Case #4134 - Make client links from admin ticket view open in a new tab
Case #4230 - Ensure AfterModuleChangePackage Hook is called on package change
Case #4239 - Allow ticket email import number limit to be configured
Case #4248 - Add support for leading zeros in Sequential Paid Invoice Numbering
Case #4297 - Add number of recipients to mass mail tool
Case #4303 - Redesigned admin email template listing interface
Case #4339 - Apply Global Email CSS Styling to email body
Case #4396 - Allow pipe character to overload configurable options value
Case #4462 - Validate CVV length on order form, admin and client pages

Case #3027 - UpdateAnnouncement: Fix creating new announcements
Case #3271 - General: Preserve pricing when using API via hook at checkout
Case #3497 - AddClient: Validate locked email addresses
Case #4089 - GetClientsProducts: Fix for configurable options with dropdown and radio button
Case #4142 - GetClients: Update to only use search value when supplied
Case #4168 - AddClient: Saves custom fields when there is an error and no validation
Case #4206 - UpdateClient: Add support to clear stored credit card data
Case #4227 - AddOrder: Improve validation of requests
Case #4292 - GetActivityLog: Update to not apply HTML linking unless requested
Case #4388 - AddOrder: Check the status of domains being renewed
Case #4404 - GetActivityLog: Now returns activity logs for a specific user
Case #4484 - UpdateInvoice: Fix error message when line item updates are present

Case #2687 - [Moneybookers] Update Moneybookers name to Skrill
Case #3031 - [Nominet] Clarification of error message when Registrant name is missing
Case #3416 - [AsiaPay] Update AsiaPay module to latest API version
Case #3608 - [e-path] Remove special characters from epath gateway description field
Case #3651 - [] Correct State/Province usage
Case #4031 - [eNom] Certificate List updated
Case #4190 - [TransIP] Improve RSA key detection
Case #4218 - [OnlineNic] Add support for .me registration
Case #4248 - [EU VAT Addon] Add support for leading zeros in custom invoice number
Case #4263 - [WHMSonic] Improve error handling for login failure
Case #4267 - [DirectAdmin] CSF Plugin IP Blacklist Compatibility Update
Case #4341 - [] Fix nameserver updating
Case #4369 - [Payza] Currency conversion issue for callback and update test URL resolved
Case #4375 - [Yubico] Two-Factor validation routine update
Case #4384 - [eNom] Check expiration status before renewing a domain
Case #4385 - [GlobalSign] Add support for SSL provisioning over 4 years
Case #4392 - [PayPal] Resolve entity encoding issue in PayPal Payments Pro 3D Secure callback
Case #4393 - [Plesk] Update for improved legacy account compatibility
Case #4397 - [eNom] Normalize postcode handling for Canada
Case #4405 - [eNom] RegistrantStateProvinceChoice now set correctly
Case #4444 - [] Improve parsing of status codes
Case #4480 - [PayPal Express] Ensure SystemURL is available to modules

Case #2609 - Add translatable strings to multiple product sub-systems
Case #2609 - Add support to translate password strength in client area
Case #2723 - Update Danish language file
Case #3208 - Update Dutch language translation & add partial admin translation
Case #3352 - Update Arabic language file
Case #3522 - Update Hungarian translation for client area and add admin translation
Case #4162 - Enable translation of the Quotes Admin Interface
Case #4333 - Update Norwegian Translation of Invoice
Bug Fixes

Case #2590 - Highlight network status notices for clients servers correctly
Case #2695 - Update on order form auto populates saved security question value
Case #2771 - Preserve client selection before adding a predefined product to a quote
Case #2865 - Fix pie charts not displaying correctly under some conditions
Case #2878 - Check for failed status for ResellerClub
Case #2881 - Improve Ajax Cart Summary updates
Case #2976 - Add log entry when API is used to close a ticket
Case #3021 - Fix date range spacing issue within pdf export generation
Case #3066 - Fix currency shown for commissions in multi-currency affiliate referrals
Case #3191 - Display error when no KB articles are found using the default theme
Case #3231 - Send the Quote Accepted email after client accepts a quote
Case #3450 - Enforce create invoice permission within the Project Management addon
Case #3595 - Preserve action and new currency selection within domain registration
Case #3658 - Fix sticky notes edit link from admin view ticket page
Case #3920 - Allow currency conversion for configurable options with negative prices
Case #4005 - Remove extra closing div tag in domain details template file
Case #4087 - Hide the Transfer button when disabled in the admin are
Case #4090 - Update billable item description field with full value
Case #4131 - Fix reference to non-object in upgrade process
Case #4132 - reCAPTCHA fields re-order to match Google listing
Case #4135 - Fix syntax error occuring when trying to preview addon email
Case #4166 - Handle EPP Codes with special characters correctly
Case #4243 - Fix table sort in Link Tracking not persisting
Case #4300 - Remove duplicate display of the TLD by the domain checker
Case #4316 - Correct Domain Syncronisation Misspelling
Case #4320 - Add state dropdown to admin area client contact management
Case $4335 - General Settings page no longer errors on empty email address
Case #4357 - Prevent Fatal Error when deleting security question
Case #4360 - Resolve search error in the default theme downloads page
Case #4376 - Display credit card deletion as successful task instead of error
Case #4378 - Select All checkbox now affects only the proper table in Ticket System
Case #4379 - Send welcome email for all free selected addons after order is accepted
Case #4389 - Content Encoding setting from Mail settings now takes effect
Case #4406 - Show line breaks on custom text field values in printable support ticket view
Case #4413 - Update to only allow disabling Two-Factor Auth via admin client profile
Case #4414 - Remove Duplicate WHOIS Server Entries
Case #4427 - Add Missing Indian States
Case #4462 - Allow 4 digit American Express CVV codes in templates
Case #4466 - Fix email marketing list query within cron
Case #4473 - Ticket Attachment properly filters htaccess
Case #4509 - Resolve SQL error when changing package from admin area
Case #4517 - EU VAT Addon Invoice Numbers now start at 1

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