Ik heb CSF geinstalleerd op DirectAdmin en bij extra features/administrator settings de Brute force monitoring aangezet. Dit is echter de eerste keer dat ik zelf de beveiliging probeer te regelen.

Dat het nodig is blijkt min of meer direct:
A brute force attack has been detected in one of your service logs.

IP has 80 failed login attempts: sshd5=80
IP has 189 failed login attempts: sshd5=189
IP has 122 failed login attempts: sshd5=122
IP has 195 failed login attempts: sshd5=195
IP has 165 failed login attempts: sshd5=165
IP has 159 failed login attempts: sshd5=159
IP has 102 failed login attempts: sshd5=102
IP has 196 failed login attempts: sshd5=196
IP has 121 failed login attempts: sshd5=121
IP has 86 failed login attempts: sshd5=86
IP has 204 failed login attempts: sshd5=204
IP has 70 failed login attempts: sshd4=18 & sshd5=52
IP has 12 failed login attempts: sshd4=12
IP has 14 failed login attempts: dovecot1=14
IP has 44 failed login attempts: sshd4=34 & sshd5=10
IP has 103 failed login attempts: sshd5=103
IP has 200 failed login attempts: sshd5=200
IP has 165 failed login attempts: sshd5=165
IP has 150 failed login attempts: sshd5=150
IP has 98 failed login attempts: sshd5=98
User admin has 471 failed login attempts: sshd5=471
User minecraft has 9 failed login attempts: sshd4=9
User nagios has 7 failed login attempts: sshd4=7
User oracle has 8 failed login attempts: sshd4=8
User postgres has 6 failed login attempts: sshd4=6
User root has 2016 failed login attempts: sshd5=2016
User test has 16 failed login attempts: dovecot1=14 & sshd4=2
Ik zie dat deze ip's nu automatisch op de Deny IP list staan bij CSF. Ik heb echter nog een aantal warnings en ik zou graag heel China blocken (zoals ik via htacces ook doe op mijn websites). Echter bij CSF stond een warning dat bij een te groot land de server traag zou worden. Toch maar niet doen dus?

Ik heb nog de volgende "fouten" in de security check

Firewall Check
RESTRICT_SYSLOG option check	Due to issues with syslog/rsyslog you should consider enabling this option. See the Firewall Configuration (/etc/csf/csf.conf) for more information
Stonden zo veel warnings bij met een lijst afhankelijken die ik allemaal niet herken dat ik het niet om durf te schakelen.

Server Check
 Check MySQL LOAD DATA disallows LOCAL	You should disable LOAD DATA LOCAL commands in MySQL by adding the following to the [mysqld] section of /etc/my.cnf and restarting MySQL:
See this link
Niet kunnen vinden in de DirectAdmin UI plugin van CSF.

Check for CloudLinux	You should consider upgrading to CloudLinux which provides advanced security features, especially for web servers
Ben niet van plan nu al van OS te wisselen.

SSH/Telnet Check
Check SSH on non-standard port	You should consider moving SSH to a non-standard port [currently:22] to evade basic SSH port scans. Don't forget to open the port in the firewall first!
Levert dit geen probleem op omdat DirectAdmin de SSH toegang regelt? Users die ik los aanmaak via root kunnen namelijk uberhaupt geen SSH gebruiken tenzij ik "AllowUser" aan de config toevoeg.

Check SSH PasswordAuthentication	For ultimate SSH security, you should consider disabling PasswordAuthentication and only allow access using PubkeyAuthentication
Zou ik nog een keer kunnen proberen met behulp van Google. Geen ervaring mee tot heden.

Check SSH UseDNS	You should disable UseDNS by editing /etc/ssh/sshd_config and setting:
UseDNS no
Otherwise, lfd will be unable to track SSHD login failures successfully as the log files will not report IP addresses
Levert dit nog problemen op? Draai zelf geen dns.

Mail Check

Check exim for extended logging (log_selector)	You should enable extended exim logging to enable easier tracking potential outgoing spam issues. Add:
log_selector = +arguments +subject +received_recipients
to /etc/exim.conf
Nog nooit van exim gehoord.

Apache Check

PHP Check
 Check php for disable_functions	You should modify the PHP configuration and disable commonly abused php functions, e.g.:
disable_functions = show_source, system, shell_exec, passthru, exec, phpinfo, popen, proc_open, allow_url_fopen
Some client web scripts may break with some of these functions disabled, so you may have to remove them from this list
Zit hier iets bij wat problemen oplevert met Joomla of Wordpress?

Check php for ini_set disabled	You should consider adding ini_set to the disable_functions in the PHP configuration as this setting allows PHP scripts to override global security and performance settings for PHP scripts. Adding ini_set can break PHP scripts and commenting out any use of ini_set in such scripts is advised
Zit hier iets bij wat problemen oplevert met Joomla of Wordpress?

DirectAdmin Settings Check

Check DirectAdmin login is SSL only	You should enable SSL only login to DirectAdmin
Geen SSL certificaat.

Server Services Check

Check server startup for portreserve	On most servers portreserve is not needed and should be stopped and disabled from starting if it is not required. This service is currently enabled in init and can usually be disabled using:
service portreserve stop
chkconfig portreserve off
"Most servers", wanneer dan wel?

Ik hoop dat er iemand met wat meer ervaring is die een aantal van deze puntjes kan toelichten!
