Bekijk Volledige Versie : PHP-Fusion <= 6.00.206 Multiple Vulnerabilities

18/11/05, 20:30
PHP-Fusion <= 6.00.206 Multiple Vulnerabilities

Software: PHP-Fusion <= 6.00.206
Severity: SQL Injection(s), Path disclosure
Risk: High
Author: Robin Verton <r.verton@gmail.com>
Date: Nov. 16 2005
Vendor: http://sourceforge.net/projects/php-fusion/


"...a light-weight open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP.
It utilises a mySQL database to store your site content and includes a simple,
comprehensive adminstration system. PHP-Fusion includes the most common features
you would expect to see in many other CMS packages...."


1) /subheader.php
Although PHP-Fusion has a good protection against path discolure, it looks like they've forgetten to
include this protection here.

2) /forum/options.php

if (iMEMBER) {
$data = dbarray(dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."forums WHERE forum_id='".$forum_id."'"));

If the Forum is activated and you are logged in you can insert malicious code into the databse
trough the $forum_id variable.

/forum/viewforum.php?forum_id=4&lastvisited='[SQL injection]

3) /forum/viewforum.php

if (empty($lastvisited)) { $lastvisited = time(); }


$new_posts = dbcount("(post_id)", "posts", "thread_id='".$data['thread_id']."' and post_datestamp>'$lastvisited'");

To exploit this vulnerability you have to be logged out and a minimum of one thread should be
posted in this forum.
Malicious code can be inserted by requesting the following HTTP-request:


Set magic_quotes_gpc to ON.


Credit goes to Robin Verton


[1] http://sourceforge.net/projects/php-fusion/
[2] http://myblog.it-security23.net

19/11/05, 19:00
Please alert the dev crew before release of these security exploits. We would apreciate this in the future. Now that we have been seen this we will take care of this ASAP.