Bekijk Volledige Versie : BF2 rankedservers holland

04/07/05, 21:44
EA NL is looking for a hosting company(not private server owners) to host a bunch of BF2 rankedservers for the dutch market.
On behalf of EA holland i am asking any intesrested hosting companies to contact me, and ill put u in contact with the person at EA whos handeling this matter.

04/07/05, 21:51
We are very interested in such a proposal, as a matter of fact. I have made contact with EA Benelux last week by phone. They gave me an e-mail address, I have sent an email requesting further information. But no reply as of yet.

You can contact us at info@clanhost.nl.

04/07/05, 22:05
ClanPoint.com is also interested in hosting game servers, you can contact us by mail a.borst@wireitup.nl or telephone +31 (0)75-6407599.

04/07/05, 22:27
Also interested, you may contact us from the regular way described at www.mijn-sleutel.net

04/07/05, 22:28
send me an email to allan@planetcombat.net with your contact details and a bit about your hosting location, server types, bandwith avaliable, security measures at the data center, ill review and forward to EA

04/07/05, 23:26
We (GAMES.WSN.BE) are also interested in your proposal.
Please contact us at bram@wsn.be and send us some more details.

05/07/05, 04:00
Mohaaservers.nl also is intrested in the ability to host ranked bf2 servers. We have several cutomers requesting ranked servers.

You can reach us @ sju@mohaaservers.nl

05/07/05, 19:00
I forwarded some of the providers that mailed me with their details to EA.
They will hear from EA direct, and not from me.
Thanks for the quick response, and i hope to see some rankedservers very soon in Holland.
U might want to check this in the mean time

06/07/05, 15:49
Were also interested...
URL: www.friendshosting.net
E-Mail: support@friendshosting.net

08/07/05, 16:00
We are interested to:

MSN: msn@beneluxgaming.com
Mail: info@beneluxgaming.com

Contact us and we speak about it.

Kind regards,


13/07/05, 17:02
Well we are hoping that EA give a reply on the ranked server question.
EA isnt that much customer friendly.
And the lag problem with connecting the stats server is also a issue, everybody has compaints about gaming on ranked servers.
First solve that problem, then we are all happy with hosting ranked servers.



Contact info@directgameservers.nl

13/07/05, 22:23
Dear grrr,

We are also interested.

Contact :
MSN : support@serverstrike.nl
mail : info@serverstrike.nl

We did like to talk about it!

Kind regards,


15/07/05, 19:53
dit ruikt meer naar een HOAX !!

Ze spreken gewoon nederlands bij EA (schiphol-rijk)....
En is het niet zo dat EA NL al eens zaken heeft gedaan met XS4ALL ?!!?

15/07/05, 20:51
Dit is geen hoax ;) Mensen die hier nu echter nog willen reageren zijn wel te laat. Meer kan ik d'r niet over kwijt atm.

15/07/05, 22:28
En is het niet zo dat EA NL al eens zaken heeft gedaan met XS4ALL ?!!?

volgens mij zijn ze dan ook niet opzoek naar EA servers maar naar hosts zoals clanhost die ranked servers willen aanbieden. En aangezien xs geen gameservers verhuurt ...

18/07/05, 18:46
toch wil ik reageren geinterresseerd te zijn?

18/07/05, 18:54
Wie heeft er hier eigenlijk al reactie gekregen ?

18/07/05, 19:06
TS heeft de details van enkele providers die hem gemaild hebben geforward naar EA Nederland, welke daaruit weer een selectie hebben gemaakt en wat gesprekken hebben gehad met enkele bedrijven. Binnenkort zal bekend gemaakt worden wie er precies ranked servers gaan hosten in de benelux, dit zullen geloof ik zo'n 5 partijen zijn.