Bekijk Volledige Versie : klantnaam gebruiken als upload-map

10/07/03, 13:48
Ik heb het uploadscript op mijn site werkende!!!!!!

Nu het volgende: :-)

Ik heb een vaste map in mijn CGI-script staan waarnaar de foto's worden ge-upload.
Nu komt alles echter in 1 map te staan, en ik wil nu alles zo maken dat de klant in een formfield zijn naam moet invullen. Daarna moet deze naam als submap gaan dienen in de upload-map.

Hoe kan ik dit voor elkaar krijgen?

10/07/03, 15:11
De naam opgeven als submap en deze aanmaken indien die nog niet bestaat?? Maar zonder script kunnen wij je niet echt helpen.

10/07/03, 16:11
De map met "sub_folder" variabele wordt niet aangemaakt op mijn server.
Het komt allemaal gewoon in mijn "/upload" map terecht.

De sub_folder variabele komt vanuit een Form-field

(ik draai op een win2000Pro platform)

#!C:/Program Files/nusphere/perl/bin/perl

################################################## #####################################
# PSUpload Helper (PSUpload) V3.0
# ©2000, Perl Services
# Requirements: UNIX Server, Perl5+, CGI.pm
# Created: September 22nd, 2000
# Author: Jim Melanson
# Contact: www.perlservices.net
# Phone: 1-877751-5900, ext. 908
# Fax: 1-208-694-1613
# E-Mail: info@perlservices.com
# info@charityware.ws
# http://www.perlservices.net/en/programs/psupload/users_guide.shtml
################################################## #####################################
# This utility is distributed under the same terms as Perl itself. It may be
# modified and utilized as you will so long as the original copyright notice
# remains in the header and that any modifications you make are state in the
# header along with the date of the modification and the name and email addy
# of the person who made the modification.
# Additionally, this program has been designated as Charity Ware. That means
# that if you use the program or modify the program to use it in/with another
# program then you are required to make a charitable donation to a charity
# of YOUR choice in the amount of YOUR choice. We'd appreciate your dropping
# by Charity Ware (www.charityware.ws) to register your donation so others can
# see who is benefiting from our work. If your too busy, drop us a line telling
# us who benefited and how much you gave them and we'll post the registration
# for you.
# This program requires installation on a UNIX server running Perl4 or higher.
# This program require the use of the CGI.pm module. If it is not installed
# on your server, you can have your sysadmin obtain the latest version of CGI.pm
# form the CPAN site at www.cpan.org
# Please see the accompanying HTML demonstration file for instructions on
# creating the upload form you will put on your HTML page.
# History:
# This program was originally written in a basic form by Mark Knickelbain. After
# Perl Services was taken over by Jim Melanson, this utility was re-written. This
# re-write has been based on the feedback of hundreds of users. The features
# incorporated in the re-write were the most common requests of PSUpload Helper
# users. Version 2.0 of this program was released on February 22nd, 2001.
# It was the authors choice that PSUpload Helper 2.0 should be distributed from
# the Charity Ware site at www.charityware.ws so that others less fortunate may
# benefit from his efforts.
# January 2002, V3.0 was released with the auto-rename feature.
################################################## #####################################
# FINAL WORD: Do you have comments or criticisms (constructive ones) please
# send them to jim@perlservices.com or info@charityware.ws. This
# library and the V2 of PSUpload Helper are the results of input
# from end users and incorporate the most common requests.
################################################## #####################################

$Data = "$ENV{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/uploads";
# On your server, create a directory where this program will write the files
# to. Make sure you CHMOD this directory to 777. If you do NOT specify a $Data
# directory, the program will attempt to write to the web root directory.

@good_extensions = ();
# If you want to limit the types of extension that can be uploaded, specify them
# here by adding them to the array. For example, if you wanted to permit only
# the upload of gif's, jpg's and png's, then you would set the above array to
# look like this:
# @good_extensions = ('jpg', 'jpeg');

#@bad_extensions = ();
# If you want to permit the upload of all file types with only certain exceptions,
# then specify those extensins in the bad_extensions array. This means that if set
# this array to contain .exe, .pl, .cgi files, then the program will only store a
# file if the extension of that file is NOT found in this array.
# To set the array to exclude these sample extensions, you would set it like this:
# @bad_extensions = ('exe', 'cgi', 'pl');

# NOTE: If you specify both @good_extensions and @bad_extensions, then
# the settings in @bad_extensions will be ignored and the program will
# use @good_extensions as it's refrence.

$redirect = "";
# When the upload of files is complete, the program must print someting out on the
# browser screen. Set the $redirect variable to the full URL (don't forget the http://)
# that you want the person taken to once the program is finished. If you don't specify
# a URL here, the program will print out a simple upload summary page.

$max_size = 3096;
# Set the maximum size of each file that is permitted. For example, if you only want
# files to be uploaded that are under 50Kb in size, set the value to:
# $max_size = 50;
# If you set the value to zero, remove it or comment it out, then the size of the
# uploaded file will NOT be checked.

$max_num_files = 10;
# You must specify the maximum number of files that can be uploaded at one time. You
# can set this to any number you want but be realistic. The limit before the server
# times out will depend on the maximum size of the upload. I have tested this program
# with ASCII files up to 8MB in size successfully but that was on a particularly
# robust server. I recommend that you set this no higher than 5 if you are going to
# be using this for larger binary files such as images or executables or word docs, etc.
# If you remove, comment out or set this value to zero, the program will default the
# value to 1 file.

$auto_rename = 1;
# This variable tells the program whether or not to over-write or reject like
# named files. Therefore, if you upload a file with a name that already exists
# on the server, set this value for the appropriate following results:
# 0 => Overwrite the existing file
# 1 => Leave existing file in place, serialize the name of the new
# new file (i.e. some_book.doc, some_book1.doc, some_book2.doc, etc)
# 2 => Reject the new file. Leaves the original file in place and rejects
# the new file so that it is not saved.
# The default setting of this var is 0.

################################################## #####################################

if(($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} =~ /^debug/) && !$no_debug) {
print "Pragma: no-cache\nContent-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<TITLE>PSUpload Demonstration Upload Program - Debug Mode</TITLE></HEAD><BODY BGCOLOR=\"********\"

TEXT=\"#330066\" LINK=\"#336666\" ALINK=\"#336666\" VLINK=\"#336666\" BGCOLOR=\"********\"><FONT SIZE=\"2\" FACE=\"verdana,

arial, helvetica\">\n";
print "<CENTER><B><H2>Charity Ware's PSUpload Program</H2></B><BR><BR><TABLE BORDER=0><TR><TD COLSPAN=2><FONT

SIZE=\"2\" FACE=\"verdana, arial, helvetica\">\n";
print "<DL><DT><B>Your web root directory appears to be located at:</B><DD>$ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'}<BR><BR><DT><B>You

specified directory for storing the uploads is:</B><DD>$Data<BR><BR><DT><B>Your specified directory...</B><DD>\n";
if(-d $Data) {
print "...appears to be a valid directory.<BR><BR>Make sure this \$Data directory is CHMOD 777.\n";
} else {
print "...does not appear to be a valid directory.<BR><BR>\n";
unless($Data =~ /^$ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'}/) {
print "The value you specified in the \$Data variable is incorrect. Please<BR>correct your \$Data variable and

run debug again.<BR><BR>\n";
if($Data =~ /\/$/) {
print "<FONT COLOR=\"#FF0000\">NOTE: Your variable \$Data ends with a trailing slash. Please<BR>remove this

trailing slash, upload the program again<BR>and run debug once more to see if you have a valid

print "</DL><BR><BR></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD WIDTH=\"50%\" VALIGN=\"TOP\"><FONT SIZE=\"2\" FACE=\"verdana, arial,

helvetica\"><B>OS:</B><BR>$^O<BR><BR><B>Perl:</B><BR>$]</FONT></TD><TD VALIGN=\"TOP\"><FONT SIZE=\"2\" FACE=\"verdana,

arial, helvetica\"><B>Installed:</B><BR>"; my @inst = split(/\//, $ENV{'SERVER_SOFTWARE'}); print join("<BR>", @inst);

print"</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE><BR><BR><BR><BR><A HREF=\"http://www.charityware.ws/\">&copy; 2001, Jim

} else {

use CGI;
$max_num_files = 1;
for(my $a = 1; $a <= $max_num_files; $a++) {
my $req = new CGI;
$Data .= "/" . $req->param("sub_folder");

if($req->param("FILE$a")) {
my $file = $req->param("FILE$a");
my $filename = $file;
$filename =~ s/^.*(\\|\/)//;
$filename =~ s/ +/\_/g;
#For IE
$filename =~ s/ +/\_/g;
#For Opera
$filename =~ s/\"//g;
my $proceed_type = 0;
if(@good_extensions) {
foreach(@good_extensions) {
my $ext = $_;
$ext =~ s/\.//g;
if($filename =~ /\.$ext$/) {
$proceed_type = 1;
unless($proceed_type) {
push(@was_not_good_type, $filename);
elsif(@bad_extensions) {
$proceed_type = 1;
foreach(@bad_extensions) {
my $ext = $_;
$ext =~ s/\.//g;
if($filename =~ /\.$ext$/) {
$proceed_type = 0;
unless($proceed_type) {
push(@was_a_bad_type, $filename);
} else {
$proceed_type = 1;
if(($auto_rename == 2) && (-e "$Data/$filename")) {
$proceed_type = 0;
push(@rejected, $filename);
if($proceed_type) {
if((-e "$Data/$filename") && ($auto_rename == 1)) {
my $pick_new_name = 1;
my $fore_num = 1;
$filename =~ /^(.+)\.([^\.]+)$/;
my $front = $1;
my $ext = $2;
while($pick_new_name) {
my $test_name = $front . $fore_num . '.' . $ext;
unless(-e "$Data/$test_name") {
$pick_new_name = 0;
$filename = $test_name;
elsif((-e "$Data/$filename") && ($auto_rename == 2)) {
if(open(OUTFILE, ">$Data/$filename")) {
while (my $bytesread = read($file, my $buffer, 1024)) {
print OUTFILE $buffer;
close (OUTFILE);
if($max_size) {
if((-s "$Data/$filename") > ($max_size * 1024)) {
push(@was_too_big, $filename);
} else {
push(@file_did_save, $filename);
} else {
push(@file_did_save, $filename);
} else {
push(@did_not_save, $filename);
print "Pragma: no-cache\n";
if($redirect && ($redirect =~ /^http\:\/\//)) {
print "Location: $redirect\n\n";
} else {
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<HEAD><TITLE>PSUpload Results</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><FONT FACE=\"verdana,helvetica,arial\"

SIZE=2><BR><BR><CENTER><B><H2>Upload Results</H2></B><HR WIDTH=\"65%\"><BR><BR>\n";
if(@rejected) {print "<B>The following file(s) were not stored as they<BR>were already on the server:<BR><BR>\n";

print join("<BR>", @rejected); print "<BR><BR>\n"}
if(@file_did_save) {print "<B>The following file(s) were saved:<BR><BR>\n"; print join("<BR>", @file_did_save);

print "<BR><BR>\n"}

#here is where we print the links to the file:
$DataURL = qq~$sub_folder~;
print qq~<B>File Links:</B><BR><OL>\n~;
foreach(@file_did_save) {
print qq~<LI><A HREF="$DataURL/$_">$_</A>\n~;
print qq~</OL><BR><BR>~;

if(@was_not_good_type) {print "<B>The following file(s) were not stored as their file extension<BR>did not match

any of the valid extensions specified in the program:<BR><BR>\n"; print join("<BR>", @was_not_good_type); print

if(@was_a_bad_type) {print "<B>The following files were not stored as their file extension<BR>are on the list of

extensions not permitted for upload:<BR><BR>\n"; print join("<BR>", @was_a_bad_type); print "<BR><BR>\n"}
if(@was_too_big) {print "<B>The following files were not stored as their file size<BR>exceeded the maximum file

size of $max_size Kb.:<BR><BR>\n"; print join("<BR>", @was_too_big); print "<BR><BR>\n"}
if(@did_not_save) {print "<B>The following files were not stored because the<BR>program could not open their

destination file:<BR><BR>\n"; print join("<BR>", @did_not_save);print "<BR><BR>\n";
if(!@file_did_save) {print "<FONT COLOR=\"RED\"><B>NOTE: Check to ensure that the \$Data variable reflects the

correct<BR>absolute path to the directory these files should be store in.</B></FONT><BR><BR>"}
print "<BR><BR><HR WIDTH=\"65%\"><BR><A HREF=\"http://www.charityware.ws/psupload/psupload.shtml/\"><FONT

COLOR=\"#C0C0C0\">&copy; 2001, Jim Melanson</FONT></A><BR></BODY></HTML>\n";