Bekijk Volledige Versie : Zend optimizer niet compatible met PHP versie 5.5.9

11/01/15, 00:05
Heb sinds kort een VPS gehuurd bij Strato (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64-bits met Plesk 12 en PHP 5.5.9)
Na wat aanloop problemen loopt de zaak stabiel. Helpdesk is echter nog steeds een ramp.

Nu wilde ik een E-mail marketing programma (12All) op de server installeren die ik voorheen op mijn oude VPS (met PHP 5.3.2) had draaien. Daarvoor moest zend Optimizer geïnstalleerd worden, echter de huidige PHP versie is niet compatibel daarmee.

Heeft iemand een idee hoe ik dit aanpak?

11/01/15, 01:08
Zend optimizer zit bij 5.5+ toch al builtin? Als het goed is hoef je die niet apart te installeren.

Je moet wel ergens 'opcache.enable=1' in je php.ini zetten.

(aangenomen dat je php gecompileerd hebt met: ./configure ... --enable-opcache)

Edit: linkje om je te helpen: https://blogs.oracle.com/opal/entry/using_php_5_5_s

11/01/15, 09:06
Als de bestanden encoded zijn heb je de Zend Guard loader nodig en niet Zend optimizer :)


Voor PHP 5.5 heb je echter een probleem, er is voor zover ik kan zien nog geen loader beschikbaar.
En gezien het debacle met PHP5.3 (dat uiteindelijk 3 jaar duurden!) geef ik je weinig hoop.

11/01/15, 10:38
ioncube doet het dan op dit moment toch iets beter (met loaders voor php 5.5 en 5.6). Dit is overigens ook een vraag die je bij de makers van 12all neer kunt leggen.

11/01/15, 10:52
php downgraden naar 5.3? Ben je voorlopig van het gezeik af.

11/01/15, 12:33
Dank voor de support. Even wat reacties:
- Voor zover ik kan zien zit alleen Zendegine er in en niet Zend Otimizer
- Zend Guard of andere componenten zijn dus met deze PHP-versie niet mogelijk
- downgraden van PHP vind ik geen oplossing omdat ik andere applicaties heb draaien die het nodig hebben.

Denk dat het vragen om een Ioncube-versie van dit programma de enige oplossing is.

23/02/15, 23:28
Doe toch nog maar even een vraag voor support van jullie:

Contact gehad met de producent, maar geen enkele support meer mogelijk.

Heb nog een oude Ioncube versie liggen, maar krijg geen enkele beeld als ik de software wil installeren.

Mijn PHP Ioncube settings op de server zijn als volgt:

This program makes use of the Zend Scripting Language Engine:
Zend Engine v2.5.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2014 Zend Technologies
with the ionCube PHP Loader v4.6.0, Copyright (c) 2002-2014, by ionCube Ltd., and
with Zend OPcache v7.0.3, Copyright (c) 1999-2014, by Zend Technologies

Denk zelf dat ik ergens in moet stellen van iets als een php.ini maar daar kom ik niet uit.

Het manual dat ik daarbij vond heb ik staan op http://www.emailers.nl/email/12all_4_01.pdf

Graag nog even een laatste stukje want volgens mij moet dit toch wel lukken?


24/02/15, 09:26
Als de bestanden versleuteld zijn met Zend Encoder gaat ioncube je niet helpen ;) als de producent geen IonCube encoded versie kan leveren houd het op.

24/02/15, 10:14
Als de bestanden versleuteld zijn met Zend Encoder gaat ioncube je niet helpen ;) als de producent geen IonCube encoded versie kan leveren houd het op.

Hoe kan ik dat zien Sebastiaan? Heb een Ioncube-versie en daar staat een /inoncube in met allemaal .so bestanden.
Heb hier werkelijk geen kaas van gegeten want ik ben een gewone gebruiker die weet hoe die met Plesk om moet gaan en dan houd het wel op, maar wel bereid om te leren.

24/02/15, 10:28
Als je een encoded bestand opent staat er meestal iets van "encoded with" en dat je een loader nodig hebt.
Daar staat ook welke encoder je nodig hebt.

De PHPInfo die je gaf geeft aan dat het juist is geinstalleerd, dus of je hebt een andere encoder nodig of je hebt niet de juiste php.ini aangepast. Let op dat Ubuntu (en Debian) verschillende php.ini bestanden hebben voor de cli (command line) en web (httpd, apache2 of fpm).

24/02/15, 10:43
Als ik een SO bestand met Notepad open zie ik heel veel over Zend staan, maar kom daar niet uit.
Hieronder het readme bestand wat in die directory /ioncube zit. Heb je hier iets aan?:

The ionCube Loader - Version 2

This package contains the latest available Loaders for the PHP versions and
operating systems that you selected.

In the package you should have:

* Loader(s)

* The Loader installation helper script (ioncube-loader-helper.php)

* A file encoded with the ionCube encoder, needed by the helper script (ioncube-encoded-file.php)

* License for use of the Loader and encoded files (LICENSE)



The run-time loading feature is the easiest way to run encoded files, and
lets encoded files locate and install the correct Loader when needed.

Provided that run-time loading is supported on the target system, encoded
scripts and Loaders can be bundled together without the user having to install
any Loader or update their system configuration, and without having to
know about the PHP version or operating system used.

For run-time loading to work, a directory called 'ioncube' containing the
Loaders (e.g. this directory) should be placed in or above the top
directory of encoded files. For example, if you have encoded files in
or below '/var/www/htdocs/', you might place the 'ioncube' directory
in '/var/www/htdocs' or '/var/www'. If you have an application or library
to distribute, you could place the ioncube directory within the top directory
of your project or library.

It's not working - why?

If encoded files fail to run with run-time loading, you can test this by
using the helper PHP script 'ioncube-loader-helper.php' that's included in this package.

1. Copy the 'ioncube-loader-helper.php' and 'ioncube-encoded-file.php' PHP scripts
to a directory where you expect encoded files to be working.

2. Access the 'ioncube-loader-helper.php' script from a web server or with a
PHP cli or cgi executable.

3. Choose the 'Run-time loading installation instructions' option.

4. The script will try to locate and install the required Loader, and will
produce output as it runs.

5. Once complete the script will either report that run-time loading is working,
will provide instructions for how to correct any issue with the server configuration,
or will report that Loaders must be installed in the php.ini file.


Installing in the php.ini file is also simple, and offers the best
performance for encoded scripts. It is also required for systems that use
safe mode, or if PHP has been built with thread support, e.g. on Windows.

The ' php.ini installation instructions' option on the installation helper PHP
script is provided to assist with this. Access the script from a web server
or a PHP cli or cgi executable and it should tell you which Loader to install,
which file to edit and what you need to add (it's just a one line change).

Copyright (c) 2002-2005 ionCube Ltd. Last revised 17-March-2005

24/02/15, 10:59
Ik bedoeld natuurlijk de php bestanden ;)

24/02/15, 11:04
Ik bedoeld natuurlijk de php bestanden ;)

Dat begrijp ik niet.
Wat moet ik nu doen?

05/03/15, 03:14
Ik bedoeld natuurlijk de php bestanden ;)

Dit staat dus in mijn ioncube-loader-helper.php:


//globals used by rtl tester
$working = "";
$status = "";
$instructions = "";
$already_loaded = extension_loaded('ionCube Loader');

if (!isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS))

if (!isset($HTTP_GET_VARS))

//install assistant globals

// Determine PHP flavour

$php_version = phpversion();
$php_flavour = substr($php_version,0,3);

// Get the full name and short name for the OS

$os_name = substr(php_uname(),0,strpos(php_uname(),' '));
$os_code = strtolower(substr($os_name,0,3));

$dll_sfix = (($os_code == 'win') ? '.dll' : '.so');

// Analyse the PHP build

$php_info = ob_get_contents();

$thread_safe = false;
$debug_build = false;
$php_ini_path = '';

// Text or HTML output?

$cli = (php_sapi_name() == 'cli');
$nl = ($cli ? "\n" : '<br>');

function check_safe_mode()
$sm = ini_get('safe_mode');
return ($sm=='1');

function getCSS()
$css = "
body, td
font-family:verdana, helvetica, arial;

border:2px solid #F0F0F0;

font-family:courier, helvetica, arial;
border:2px solid #c8e8c8;

table.ini_line tr td

border:2px solid #e0e0ff;

table.analysis tr td
background-color: #e0e0ff;
return $css;

function displayLogo()

$img_encoded="R0lGODlhtAA9AMYAAN7e3ri4uBAQEMzMzKKiogAAALCwsOeope 9SVvQaHPUsKfUiIvUnHPY8SeRYcsLCwuSenfNhYfMwP/ZASvU3RvUvO/ZLaOdbfI6Ojujo6Nl9eet/kuyQpuuHnOmHoOyNpemKpuGHjvHV1PDPzvDV0O/b1OScl+pnYPFFQ/BJSPRMSfVRTOBleOi9u+tmZe4JDO4TGu8aGvcQEOBHbgoKCkND QygoKPB0ee8gJ/VEWORSeFlZWezIye9vde8dGeJRdunJyPJBVHJyckxMTGZmZu8g IvEXFNbW1iAgIO3IyvImJPQcIfQ/U+VGc35+fr6+vvFHWvBOYu9SadlYcfIoMu9kgeGcqu/V3vLQ3BgYGPn37ffo4Pjr5vfe3vjo5fFEWfFSSfBIRe9SY+Bcb TMzM+NSdoaGhvFxc5mZmenV0O58duwODfE8S+ulpfBmZ/Q1RvA4RPVXbsc4Q/ZhjPFdkfFdjfRmlNRMYFJSUv///zo6Ov///////////////////yH5BAEUAH8ALAAAAAC0AD0AAAf+gH+Cg4SFhoeIiYqLjI2Oj5C RkpOUlZaXmJmam5ydnp+goaKjpKWmp6ipqqusra6vsLGymwC1A LOlAwS7BLieAQLBAgO+okQFyAVHxZsEyQXEuBm6GEREGAbLmMf J2syYBs/RsQFDAs/PWQGX3MjerQcICQoKC/b3+PgKDA0OiuHJHsQCQAadwQJo2D17xwpCBAkTJlCYSLGixQoW LigCgKEjhgywntA4aNCAwm6wNGzg0MHDh5cwY8LkAALEhxDfDg 0YiU6PGQMBqp0TaKmdMlgiRohYSqKpUxIioDotQYJqiZyGzj2r ccvQAJBFF8IycQJFChVo06pVu2IFigj+LDQNCBDgq6S5dRMJQS fEmNg/AOg+AbsoMN2ulVq4eAEjhuPHkCPHkNFghqIANARkHkdoQA2eyW z0MpQBSWYag4VoRSYAwyHQBYY4MqBZ8xNDemrLHmT0yAA9PTkX MrOatRPCkUbcgIGjufPn0JvHyKFDkbNkwv/sIInMBsMMoDHYIEmkEEBkNBAvQvNsXSEkyfQQMmoG9jOThTKMJ 4lE/SMePTAX3YDO+ZDDD/+IU0gN3CUjwDsAgFacQZwZVcMj7CXjHiHwISMfbw0+Q4NwHXJn wyRABEjgijEEgWAi1yFDlCB7PTMEAQYQUdyJg4CHjgBmBFDfM3 gQsh8yozX+kiEyGw5y5IeCGIUMGWgYsN1WhNSITA0BHPHAlciY IUmKAj5XxJloplmEEUFUl8h50AwS4X2EHFEiQnLC1t8gTzyDBC GwZZfIkgU0KUiJUP4h5Q6EEEqDNhmsVuR8DkqShIrRKbHEppxy agQTTVj3zIxOPNNXIX0m86cgPiaD3yAlCoBYoBi2Z8iTlCaTBX J/HFnAaDEW4N8RoAmqCIBlOpcDFFFI4eyzzkZxwRQJYufkM/4d+gxYcyKzayFDYDsIaI/WqqEhiOaKzKmEYPBMeYqqmsG89GaQRTIJQYIsdFRUYcUVAAccM BZYiCBqQKzeix4iRkXTagGJCgKmsOP+PnObI4Qa2mt86hbqFZZ/AOegMMK8G8m+z/V7gBZbbMHFyy+33IUX1SITTbcFCMAwnYCBNikhEyN2p5gY2/oexyBaW8gAz/B4Z4i7PXJpss19kQIYKVwNxtZghIGCGGMcLKMgAKym8yFGjfYw vECLK3HT5jKZn8IQd5zdEc+QoW2IyVyoL6ZmqqnmdC8iAuc4dB eASEFK48z2IEEPEmwBr65ndJ5IR8kzIQEQKYjIBSARwBOjl076 E08YmwjKK0bnwxdliF3AjIzLnV9xPYLGLuRuCwJbFtkeQmi+g8 CZqFGMFqJlAU7QWCknrLf+nIGFH3L4IO6GZogZeWOOzOP+byej Hvd+MnRI58n8LEjtdSfNmnoPe/wH+sgQn8nU0kc3XewwjtpjcTsgDAFgs6GH7S58yPDP0wpABLuw agBCuBixFKS5ZxwPHWToSgbC5SDC0I0GlRPEE/TgmkgA4QxUy1+LqmeI6w2CUAXIQg2G4KvYEMJxhojcDRPnICT4 kCevquEMF3jBH81wQs2THAaFgAYz7EBhJYREGtSwhhj44IqPuS IWI7MGNrCwEMGakfNCZAPkGDCHvZMT6BoUxcmJKF3uIyOvpHSQ KD6iDW6QwBssQhE4+LEicJBAHPzxJv8VAg0Tehev1oZG8SECDQ tEB9HGiI4sfClz8WINGnj+2J3gYSCRm3uEHKIwBzrU4ZSoTKUq T2mHOyhiAHiI5Q6CxxEyZEEYNmggw2KJhxD+gQC8JAKvCvEAIZ ABCSRDgh6EwBAD5CYYNjADSNDASzsCM5ZE4AIAhGADYZDBjoao 5S2DkQUymMF8WCFEvVSxTkXQyxLvdES9hpnOetrznvjMpz73iZ U8DEB1j/AnPznxT2MBNBQDIIM1yHDQPwzAfutzKPiWli80QHQRD1VEHhgq iITmYRJkCKku9TYIvaEhpFQ6pEKJQNJCtLQzFb3oJRIajX/+wZ+csekfLIqIARDBnx/1yuPygIaHFrWjFtXpTomH06XBS5cObSghSIr+hvK81KQJyQMRi OfToNZ0AEF96SB86hWwdkaqh4RoQq2REGuwda1b3SqV9OZThTK UrEtl6VaTulWjSvSfW+3oSos62ELstTxwLQ9PFfVQt061pH+46 lIFsViHitWtHMVqlOq617YulBgr5SgkoCqIjRKjq4Hd6GQVhYa P0vWnS8UrXylbVHiRFap4naxpJRrUjrL0o6ll6GIbWNXeRnSnV nUrSyfr0wpZ47S6rGpkV9tA2db2o9LlaG4dQVqJ8qa5ER1uNF7 rW+ua17blgWpleZrb7rL2uEsVb2VLKlLXFjShOxXpRR+q0MrqT bOMta5/p+tdSMy3veCdrngjitf05sJrtrFFL2OR+sKEIDit8LWofC8qVs nOl2GBjSiAq/tgDUOWpNttBE07umKPQnXE4y0whPta4gYrtrVaJR5Pd+tRDL+3 uTsmLodd+tgPs7i0DCUDdq2qWxLTtsfZ9e1dQkvUz054umutao wTC1y9tnawtZVylfc61v6uVbSNypdPHXtmIRuiw0WWKVxTetLf YtmuDdwoWxNS58xKWRJNZbFxl2ZWneS0t0BVkv3++dFELyLQNy 00KBg9VkmXVtKOFvRAX8lXtG7605XAaWtBTepSm/rUqE61qlfN6la7+tWwjrWsZ03rWtv61rjOta53LYlAAAA7";

header("Content-type: image/gif");
header("Cache-control: public");
echo base64_decode($img_encoded);


function weblink($url, $display, $new_window=false)
if (use_html()) {
$extra = "";
if ($new_window)
$extra = 'target="_blank"';

return "<a href=\"$url\" $extra>$display</a>";
} else {
return $url;

// Where are we?
$here = dirname(__FILE__);

//rtl tester specific functions
function echo_working($msg)
global $working;

function echo_status($msg)
global $status;

function echo_instructions($msg)
global $instructions;

// Detect some system parameters
function ic_system_info()
$thread_safe = false;
$debug_build = false;
$cgi_cli = false;
$php_ini_path = '';

$php_info = ob_get_contents();

foreach (split("\n",$php_info) as $line) {
if (eregi('command',$line)) {

if (preg_match('/thread safety.*(enabled|yes)/Ui',$line)) {
$thread_safe = true;

if (preg_match('/debug.*(enabled|yes)/Ui',$line)) {
$debug_build = true;

if (eregi("configuration file.*(</B></td><TD ALIGN=\"left\">| => |v\">)([^ <]*)(.*</td.*)?",$line,$match)) {
$php_ini_path = $match[2];

// If we can't access the php.ini file then we probably lost on the match
if (!@file_exists($php_ini_path)) {
$php_ini_path = '';

$cgi_cli = ((strpos(php_sapi_name(),'cgi') !== false) ||
(strpos(php_sapi_name(),'cli') !== false));

return array('THREAD_SAFE' => $thread_safe,
'DEBUG_BUILD' => $debug_build,
'PHP_INI' => $php_ini_path,
'CGI_CLI' => $cgi_cli);

function rtl_tester()

global $cli;
global $nl;
global $working;
global $instructions;
global $status;
global $already_loaded;

$working = "";
$status = "";
$instructions = "";

$ok = true;
$already_installed = false;


// Is the loader already installed?
if ($already_loaded) {
echo_status("An ionCube Loader is already installed and run-time loading is unnecessary.\n"
. "Encoded files should load without problems.$nl");

echo_instructions("If you have problems running encoded files, make sure that you select binary\n"
. "mode if using FTP. If unpacking files with WinZIP you must also disable the\n"
. "'TAR Smart CR/LF conversion' feature.$nl$nl");
$already_installed = true;
} else {
// Intro
echo_working("Testing whether your system supports run-time loading...$nl$nl");

// Test some system info
$sys_info = ic_system_info();

if (!$already_installed) {
if ($sys_info['THREAD_SAFE'] && !$sys_info['CGI_CLI']) {
echo_status("Your PHP install appears to have threading support and run-time Loading\n"
."is only possible on threaded web servers if using the CGI, FastCGI or\n"
."CLI interface.$nl");
echo_instructions("To run encoded files please install the Loader in the php.ini file.");
$ok = false;

if ($sys_info['DEBUG_BUILD']) {
echo_status("Your PHP installation appears to be built with debugging support\n"
. "enabled and this is incompatible with ionCube Loaders.$nl${nl}Debugging support in PHP produces slower execution, is\n"
. "not recommended for production builds and was probably a mistake.$nl");

echo_instructions("You should rebuild PHP without the --enable-debug option.$nl");
$ok = false;

// Check safe mode and for a valid extensions directory
if (check_safe_mode()) {
echo_status("PHP safe mode is enabled and run time loading will not be possible.");
echo_instructions( "To run encoded files please install the Loader in the php.ini file.\n"
. "Alternatively contact your hosting provider or system administrator,\n"
. "and ask them to enable safe mode for your account.");
$ok = false;
elseif (!is_dir(realpath(ini_get('extension_dir')))) {
echo "The setting of extension_dir in the php.ini file is not a directory
or may not exist and run time loading will not be possible. You do not need
write permissions on the extension_dir but for run-time loading to work
a path from the extensions directory to wherever the Loader is installed
must exist.$nl";
$ok = false;

// If ok to try and find a Loader
if ($ok) {
// Look for a Loader

// Old style naming should be long gone now
$test_old_name = false;

$_u = php_uname();
$_os = substr($_u,0,strpos($_u,' '));
$_os_key = strtolower(substr($_u,0,3));

$_php_version = phpversion();
$_php_family = substr($_php_version,0,3);

$_loader_sfix = (($_os_key == 'win') ? '.dll' : '.so');


$_ln_new="ioncube_loader_${_os_key}_${_php_family}${_loader_ sfix}";

echo_working("${nl}Looking for Loader '$_ln_new'");
if ($test_old_name) {
echo_working(" or '$_ln_old'");

$_extdir = ini_get('extension_dir');
if ($_extdir == './') {
$_extdir = '.';

$_oid = $_id = realpath($_extdir);

$_here = dirname(__FILE__);
if ((@$_id[1]) == ':') {
$_id = str_replace('\\','/',substr($_id,2));
$_here = str_replace('\\','/',substr($_here,2));

if ($_oid !== false) {
echo_working("Extensions Dir: $_extdir ($_id)$nl");
echo_working("Relative Path: $_rd$nl");
} else {
echo_working("Extensions Dir: $_extdir (NOT FOUND)$nl$nl");

echo_status("The directory set for the extension_dir entry in the\n"
. "php.ini file may not exist, and run time loading will not be possible.$nl");
echo_instructions( "Please ask your hosting provider or system administrator to create the\n"
. "directory$nl$nl"
. "$_extdir$nl$nl"
. "ensuring that it is accessible by the web server software. They do not\n"
. "need to restart the server. Then rerun this script. As an alternative,\n"
. "your host could install the Loader in the php.ini file.$nl");
$ok = false;

if ($ok) {
$_ln = '';
while($_i--) {
if($_rd[$_i]=='/') {
if ($test_old_name) {
// Try the old style Loader name
if(@file_exists($_fqlp)) {
echo_working("Found Loader: $_fqlp$nl");
// Try the new style Loader name
if(@file_exists($_fqlp)) {
echo_working("Found Loader: $_fqlp$nl");

// If Loader not found, try the fallback of in the extensions directory
if (!$_ln) {
if ($test_old_name) {
if (@file_exists($_id.$_ln_old_loc)) {
$_ln = $_ln_old_loc;
if (@file_exists($_id.$_ln_new_loc)) {
$_ln = $_ln_new_loc;

if ($_ln) {
echo_working("Found Loader $_ln in extensions directory.$nl");


if ($_ln) {
echo_working("Trying to install Loader - this may produce an error...$nl$nl");

if(extension_loaded('ionCube Loader')) {
echo_status( "The Loader was successfully installed and encoded files should be able to\n"
. "automatically install the Loader when needed.$nl");
echo_instructions( "No changes to your php.ini file\n"
. "are required to use encoded files on this system.${nl}");
} else {
echo_status("The Loader was not installed.$nl");
} else {
echo_status( "Run-time loading should be possible on your system but no suitable Loader\n"
. "was found.$nl$nl");
echo_instructions( "The $_os Loader for PHP $_php_family releases is required.$nl"
. "Loaders can be downloaded from " . weblink("http://www.ioncube.com/loaders.php","www.ioncube.com"));

$email = 'support@ioncube.com';
if (!$cli) {
$email = "<a href=\"mailto:$email\">$email</a>";

//$instructions should never be empty.
//if it is, then put default:
if (empty($instructions))
$instructions = "Run-time loading is not currently possible.$nl"
. "Please contact $email, providing a link to this script.";

if ($cli)
return "$working$status$instructions\n";

//echo "${nl}Please send the output of this script to $email if you have questions or require further assistance.$nl$nl";

$body = "<center><h2>Run-Time Loading Installation Instructions</h2></center>"
. "<h3>Testing Server</h3>"
. "$working"
. "<h3>Results</h3>"
. "$status"
. "<h3>Instructions</h3>"
. $instructions;

return $body;



function query_self($text, $query)

if (use_html()) {
return '<a target=_blank href="'.$HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF']."?page=install-assistant&q=$query\">$text</a>";
} else {
return $text;

function use_html()
return (php_sapi_name() != 'cli');

function para($text)
return ($text . (use_html() ? '<p>' : "\n\n"));

function code($text)
return (use_html() ? "<code>$text</code>" : $text);

function table($contents)
if (use_html()) {
$res = '<table class="analysis" cellpadding=5 cellspacing=1 border=0>';
foreach ($contents as $row) {
$res .= "<tr>\n";
foreach ($row as $cell) {
$res .= "<td>$cell</td>\n";
$res .= "</tr>\n";
$res .= "</table>\n";
} else {
$colwidths = array();
foreach ($contents as $row) {
$cv = 0;
foreach ($row as $cell) {
$l = @$colwidths[$cv];
$cl = strlen($cell);

if ($cl > $l) {
$colwidths[$cv] = $cl;
$tw = 0;
foreach ($colwidths as $cw) { $tw += ($cw + 2); }
$tw2 = $tw + count($colwidths) - 1 + 2;
$res = '+' . str_repeat('-',$tw2 - 2) . "+\n";
foreach ($contents as $row) {
$cv = 0;
foreach ($row as $cell) {
$res .= '| ' . str_pad($cell, $colwidths[$cv]) . ' ';
$res .= "|\n";
$res .= '+' . str_repeat('-',$tw2 - 2) . "+\n";

return $res;

function ilia_header()
if (!use_html()) {

return "\n"
. "ionCube Loader Install Assistant\n"
. "--------------------------------\n"
. "\n"
. "\n";

return "<center><h2>php.ini Installation Instructions</h2></center>"
. "<h3>Analysis</h3>";;



function heading($text)
if (use_html()) {
return para("<font face=\"helvetica,verdana\"><b>$text</b></font>");
} else {
return para($text . "\n" . str_repeat('-', strlen($text)));

function ilia_analysis()
global $php_version, $php_flavour, $os_name, $thread_safe, $php_ini_path, $required_loader,$os_code, $cli;

$res = para('Analysis of your system configuration shows:')
. table(array(array("PHP Version",$php_version),
array("Operating System",$os_name),
array("Threaded PHP",($thread_safe ? 'Yes' : 'No')),
array("php.ini file", ($php_ini_path ? $php_ini_path : query_self("Check phpinfo() output for\n" .'location','phpinfo'))),
array("Required Loader",$required_loader)
. para('');

if (!$cli)
$res .= "<h3>Instructions</h3>";

if ($php_ini_path)
$res .= para('To install the Loader in your '.code('php.ini')." file, edit or create the file\n\n"
. code($php_ini_path) . "\n\n"
. "and add the following line before any other ".code('zend_extension').' lines:');
$res .= para( 'To install the loader in your '.code('php.ini')." file, first check the location of the\n"
. "php.ini file from phpinfo output. Then edit or create the file, and add the\n"
. "following line before any other ".code('zend_extension').' lines:');

if ($os_code == 'win') {
if (use_html()) {
$path = '&lt;drive&gt;:\\&lt;path&gt;\\';
} else {
$path = '<drive>:\\<path>\\';

$ini = "zend_extension_ts = $path$required_loader";
} else {
if (use_html()) {
$path = '/&lt;path&gt;/';
} else {
$path = '/<path>/';

if ($thread_safe) {
$ini = "zend_extension_ts = $path$required_loader";
} else {
$ini = "zend_extension = $path$required_loader";

if (use_html()) {
$res .= "<table class=\"ini_line\" cellpadding=4 cellspacing=1 border=0><tr><td><code>$ini</code></td></tr></table><p>";
} else {
$res .= para(" $ini");

if ($os_code == 'win') {
$res .= para('where '.code($path).' is where you\'ve installed the loader.');
} else {
$res .= para('where '.code($path).' is where you\'ve installed the loader, e.g. '.code('/usr/local/ioncube/'));

$res .= para("If there are no zend_extension lines already, you can put the
line at any point in the file.");

$res .= para("Finally, stop and restart your web server software for the changes to\n"
. "take effect.");

if (!check_safe_mode() && ($os_code != 'win')) {
$res .= heading('Installing the Loader for run-time loading');

$res .= para( "To install for runtime loading, create a directory called ".code('ioncube') . "\n"
. "at or above the top level of your encoded files, and ensure that the directory\n"
. "contains the ".code($required_loader) . " loader. If run-time install of\n"
. "the Loader is possible on your system then encoded files should automatically\n"
. "install the loader when needed.");

return $res;

function ilia_debug_builds_unsupported()
$email = 'support@ioncube.com';
if (use_html()) $email = "<a href=\"mailto:$email\">$email</a>";

return para( "IMPORTANT NOTE: Your PHP installation may be incorrect\n"
. "------------------------------------------------------\n"
. "\n"
. "Your PHP installation appears to be built with debugging\n"
. "support enabled, and extensions cannot be installed in this case.")
.para( "Debugging support in PHP produces slower execution, is not recommended for\n"
. "production builds, and was probably a mistake.")
.para( "Debugging support may sometimes be incorrectly detected, and so please\n"
. "continue to follow the installation instructions and try the Loader.\n"
. "However do email us at $email if the Loader fails to be\n"
. "installed, and include a web link to either this script or a page that\n"
. "calls phpinfo() so that we can help.");

function install_assistant()
global $php_version, $php_flavour, $os_name, $thread_safe, $php_ini_path, $required_loader,$os_code, $php_info,$dll_sfix,$HTTP_GET_VARS;

if ($q = @$HTTP_GET_VARS['q']) {
if ($q == 'phpinfo') {

foreach (split("\n",$php_info) as $line) {
if (eregi('command',$line)) {

if (preg_match('/thread safety.*(enabled|yes)/Ui',$line)) {
$thread_safe = true;

if (preg_match('/debug.*(enabled|yes)/Ui',$line)) {
$debug_build = true;

if (eregi("configuration file.*(</B></td><TD ALIGN=\"left\">| => |v\">)([^ <]*)(.*</td.*)?",$line,$match)) {
$php_ini_path = $match[2];

// If we can't access the php.ini file then we probably lost on the match
if (@!file_exists($php_ini_path)) {
$php_ini_path = '';

// We now know enough to give guidance
$ts = ((($os_code != 'win') && $thread_safe) ? '_ts' : '');

$required_loader = "ioncube_loader_${os_code}_${php_flavour}${ts}${dll _sfix}";

// Create the output

$out = "";
if ($debug_build) {

return $out;

function getInstructions()
global $nl;
global $cli;

if ($cli)
return "\nAn ionCube Loader file is required by PHP to read files encoded with the\n"
. "ionCube Encoder. This page will determine how you can install Loaders\n"
. "on this particular server.$nl$nl";


return "Please read the ".weblink("http://www.ioncube.com/loader_installation.php", "online documentation", true).", or review the file readme.txt enclosed with the Loader bundle, for more help with Loader installation.$nl$nl";

//main page

function index()
global $nl;
global $already_loaded;


$success = include dirname(__FILE__).'/ioncube-encoded-file.php';
$php_info = ob_get_contents();

$body = "";

$body.="An ionCube Loader file is required by PHP to read files encoded with the ionCube Encoder. This page will determine how you can install Loaders on this particular server.$nl$nl";

$dir = dirname($self);

$rtl = "<a href=\"$self?page=rtl-tester\">run-time loading installation instructions</a>";
$sys = "<a href=\"$self?page=sysinfo\">Server System Information</a>";
$ass = "<a href=\"$self?page=install-assistant\">php.ini installation instructions</a>";

if ($success)
$body.= "An ionCube encoded file has been loaded <b><font color=green>successfully</font></b>.<br>"
. "Encoded files should now function correctly.<br><br>";

if (!$already_loaded)
$body.="If you have permission to edit the php.ini configuration file for this server you can increase performance by following the $ass.<br><br>";

$body.="If you have a problem with your PHP application, please contact the application provider.";
$body.= "The loading of ionCube encoded files is not currently working correctly on this server.<br><br>\n";

$body.= "If you have permission to edit the php.ini configuration file for this server, please follow the "
. "$ass.<br><br>";

$body.= "If you do not access to the php.ini file, please follow the "
. "$rtl.<br><br>";


return $body;

function read($fp) {
$input = rtrim(fgets($fp, 1024));
return $input;

function doMenu($fp)

echo("\n>> Please choose an option followed by Return, or 0 to exit this script.\n\n");
echo("0. Exit this script\n");
echo("1. php.ini installation instructions\n");
echo("2. Run-time loading installation instructions\n");
echo(">> ");

$command = read($fp);
return $command;

if ($cli)
$fp=fopen('php://stdin', 'r');

$success = include dirname(__FILE__).'/ioncube-encoded-file.php';
if ($success)
echo "An ionCube encoded file has been loaded successfully.\n"
. "Encoded files should now function correctly.\n\n";

if (!$already_loaded)
echo "If you have permission to edit the php.ini configuration file for this server you can increase performance by choosing option 1 below.\n\n";

echo "If you have a problem with your PHP application, please contact the application provider.";
echo "The loading of ionCube encoded files is not currently working correctly\n"
. "on this server.\n\n";

echo "If you have permission to edit the php.ini configuration file for this server,\n"
. "please choose option 1 below.\n\n";

echo "If you do not access to the php.ini file, please choose option 2 below.\n\n";


$command = doMenu($fp);
if ($command==0)
elseif ($command==2)
elseif ($command==10)
elseif ($command==1)
$page = $HTTP_GET_VARS['page'];

$css = getCSS();
$out = "<html>\n"
. "<head>\n"
. "<style>$css</style>\n"
. "<title>ionCube Loader Installation Tool</title>"
. "</head>\n"
. "<body>\n"


$body = "";
$body.="<div align=center><div class=\"main\">\n";
$body.="<img src=\"$us?page=logo\"><br><br>\n";

if ($page=="rtl-tester")
$body.= rtl_tester();
else if($page=="sysinfo")
return phpinfo();
else if($page=="install-assistant")
$body.= install_assistant();
else if($page=="logo")
$body.= index();

$out.= "</body></html>\n";


05/03/15, 09:06
Ik bedoel de PHP bestanden die versleuteld zijn (van het pakket 12All), niet de so (Shared Library/object) of bestanden van de ioncube-loader.

05/03/15, 12:06
Ik bedoel de PHP bestanden die versleuteld zijn (van het pakket 12All), niet de so (Shared Library/object) of bestanden van de ioncube-loader.

Denk dat ik het begin te begrijpen.
Er zijn dus PHP bestanden die versleuteld zijn met Ioncube.

Ik denk dat ioncube-encoded-file.php zo'n bestand is.
Hierin staat:

<?php //002a3
if(!extension_loaded('ionCube Loader')){$__oc=strtolower(substr(php_uname(),0,3) );$__ln='/ioncube/ioncube_loader_'.$__oc.'_'.substr(phpversion(),0,3 ).(($__oc=='win')?'.dll':'.so');$__oid=$__id=realp ath(ini_get('extension_dir'));$__here=dirname(__FI LE__);if((@$__id[1])==':'){$__id=str_replace('\\','/',substr($__id,2));$__here=str_replace('\\','/',substr($__here,2));}$__rd=str_repeat('/..',substr_count($__id,'/')).$__here.'/';$__i=strlen($__rd);while($__i--){if($__rd[$__i]=='/'){$__lp=substr($__rd,0,$__i).$__ln;if(file_exists ($__oid.$__lp)){$__ln=$__lp;break;}}}@dl($__ln);}e lse{return false;}if(function_exists('_il_exec')){return _il_exec();}return false;
0y4hY72YktCiSG14qXqkKCvu6FZQBgVwip3BQuD3sSbpKsLmuG BP4E4HIuQ4S6WTWeHlNvmWNBk2
5oh66robnZTD/qu1aS6an8kPDQTXaPs4GuAET3XsLxhZlSl8X2LAUfai3Gz0QdD A41Sa0nH0Iis2
HJZJUp0BlVaig23nWsRFz7SMDrNv2oZKayI7ySfpdVLLjfFKwJ Giw4ghKNg32DiV50YzODITjn8u