Bekijk Volledige Versie : Automatische backup mysql database

04/11/09, 19:57
Is het mogelijk een automatische backup te laten maken dagelijks van de mysql database en deze te laten versturen naar mijn thuis pc?

Gebruik Direct Admin als control panel.

Bedankt alvast.

04/11/09, 20:03

Via Admin menu krijg je dit

en dan mysql aanvinken/selecteren
en backup ftp locatie selecteren

Das alles.

en om de x tijd even je backups controleren of ze wel werken

Uiteraard kan je ook zelf een script inelkaar knutselen en via een cronjob dit maken maar dit was sneller.

E. Dekker
04/11/09, 20:11
Zover ik weet kan dat niet als gebruiker, alleen de admin kan dit dagelijks laten backuppen. Misschien even contact opnemen met uw hostingprovider, zij kunnen u daar misschien wel een mogelijkheid voor bieden.


04/11/09, 20:15
Een gebruiker kan dit zelf ook, alleen moet de beheerder dit inderdaad wel toestaan.

Ernie B
05/11/09, 14:07
Als je de mogelijkheid hebt om cron jobs uit te voeren dan kun je een script laden die de backup uitvoert en naar je toe mailt of via ftp verstuurt..

05/11/09, 15:17
Bijvoorbeeld met dit script (gebruik het zelf ook)

05/11/09, 20:31
o.k. dank voor de info. Hier kom ik wel uit.

Ramon Fincken
29/11/09, 14:55
Even als toevoeging: als je thuis geen FTP server hebt draaien ( waar direct admin dus die backup in kan mikken ) maar wel een PC die aanstaat ...

Pak cobian backup en stel in dat ie iedere dag op je FTP van je domein de backups download, heb ik ook en werkt lekker soepel.

29/11/09, 15:11
Wilma, eerst het advies om je post eens te beginnen met b.v.: In direct Admin, USER Level.
Je ziet dat de eerste er alweer overheen struikelt, daar we hier nagenoeg als hoster op een ander level denken.

Verder, wil je alleen de database backuppen, of alles? Indien alles, dan zou je hier eens naar kunnen kijken:

#!/usr/local/bin/php -n

//User backup script, allowing DA Users to create backups via a cronjob.

** Set your variables here

$username = "youruserame";
$password = "yourpassword";

// you must specify one of your domain names. (Any one of them will be fine)
$domain = "yourdomain.com";

// These usually dont require modification
// if you use https to connect to DA, set $ssl = 1;
$host = "localhost";
$ssl = 0;
$port = 2222;

** Install Instructions

1) Place this file somewhere under your home directory.
A good place might be:

From the File Manager in DA, that would be:

2) Chmod the file to 700. This is very important for security.

3) Edit the above variables.
Most likely, you''ll only need to change the username and password.
If your system uses ssl to connect to DA (https) then you'll need to set $ssl = 1;

4) Create the cronjob to execute:


as often as you wish. Usually once per day is the most you'll want to run it.
To create the cronjob, see:

Usually a very early morning hour, say 5am is best as the load is usually lowest then.

Note that we do not need to add /usr/local/bin/php in front of this php script because of the
#!/usr/local/bin/php -n
line at the very top.

5) check your 'username' account. Any emails will be delivered there if it doesn't work.
If needed, you can test manually via ssh by running:


6) Optional: If you wish to have an ftp upload along with the bacukp, create a
cronjob to run about an hour later than the backup, and use the command:

/usr/bin/ncftpput -f /home/username/ftp.conf -V -t 25 -m "/ftp/path/" "/home/username/backups/backup-`date +%b-%e-%Y`-1.tar.gz"

and in the ftp.conf, put:

user ftpuser
pass ftppass

Then chmod the ftp.conf to 700.
Note this assumes you've only got 1 bacukp per day since it uses -1.tar.gz and doesn't take into account possible -2.tar.gz, etc.


$sock = newSock();
'action' => 'backup',
'domain' => $domain,
'select'.$c++ => 'domain',
'select'.$c++ => 'subdomain',
'select'.$c++ => 'email',
'select'.$c++ => 'forwarder',
'select'.$c++ => 'autoresponder',
'select'.$c++ => 'vacation',
'select'.$c++ => 'list',
'select'.$c++ => 'emailsettings',
'select'.$c++ => 'ftp',
'select'.$c++ => 'ftpsettings',
'select'.$c++ => 'database',

$result = $sock->fetch_parsed_body();

if ( $result['error'] != "0" )
echo "Error issuing backup creation: ".$result['details']."\n";

//all should be fine.

function newSock()
global $host;
global $port;
global $ssl;
global $username;
global $password;

$tsock = new HTTPSocket;
$tsock->set_login($username, $password);

if ($ssl)
$tsock->connect("ssl://$host", $port);
$tsock->connect("$host", $port);

return $tsock;

* Socket communication class.
* Originally designed for use with DirectAdmin's API, this class will fill any HTTP socket need.
* Very, very basic usage:
* $Socket = new HTTPSocket;
* echo $Socket->get('http://user:pass@somesite.com/somedir/some.file?query=string&this=that');
* @author Phi1 'l0rdphi1' Stier <l0rdphi1@liquenox.net>
* @package HTTPSocket
* @version 2.6
class HTTPSocket {

var $version = '2.6';

/* all vars are private except $error, $query_cache, and $doFollowLocationHeader */

var $method = 'GET';

var $remote_host;
var $remote_port;
var $remote_uname;
var $remote_passwd;

var $result;
var $result_header;
var $result_body;
var $result_status_code;

var $lastTransferSpeed;

var $bind_host;

var $error = array();
var $warn = array();
var $query_cache = array();

var $doFollowLocationHeader = TRUE;
var $redirectURL;

var $extra_headers = array();

* Create server "connection".
function connect($host, $port = '' )
if (!is_numeric($port))
$port = 80;

$this->remote_host = $host;
$this->remote_port = $port;

function bind( $ip = '' )
if ( $ip == '' )

$this->bind_host = $ip;

* Change the method being used to communicate.
* @param string|null request method. supports GET, POST, and HEAD. default is GET
function set_method( $method = 'GET' )
$this->method = strtoupper($method);

* Specify a username and password.
* @param string|null username. defualt is null
* @param string|null password. defualt is null
function set_login( $uname = '', $passwd = '' )
if ( strlen($uname) > 0 )
$this->remote_uname = $uname;

if ( strlen($passwd) > 0 )
$this->remote_passwd = $passwd;


* Query the server
* @param string containing properly formatted server API. See DA API docs and examples. Http:// URLs O.K. too.
* @param string|array query to pass to url
* @param int if connection KB/s drops below value here, will drop connection
function query( $request, $content = '', $doSpeedCheck = 0 )
$this->error = $this->warn = array();
$this->result_status_code = NULL;

// is our request a http:// ... ?
if (preg_match('!^http://!i',$request))
$location = parse_url($request);

$request = $location['path'];
$content = $location['query'];

if ( strlen($request) < 1 )
$request = '/';


$array_headers = array(
'User-Agent' => "HTTPSocket/$this->version",
'Host' => ( $this->remote_port == 80 ? $this->remote_host : "$this->remote_host:$this->remote_port" ),
'Accept' => '*/*',
'Connection' => 'Close' );

foreach ( $this->extra_headers as $key => $value )
$array_headers[$key] = $value;

$this->result = $this->result_header = $this->result_body = '';

// was content sent as an array? if so, turn it into a string
if (is_array($content))
$pairs = array();

foreach ( $content as $key => $value )
$pairs[] = "$key=".urlencode($value);

$content = join('&',$pairs);


// instance connection
if ($this->bind_host)
$socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);

if (!@socket_connect($socket,$this->remote_host,$this->remote_port))

$socket = @fsockopen( $this->remote_host, $this->remote_port, $sock_errno, $sock_errstr, 10 );

if ( !$socket || !$OK )
$this->error[] = "Can't create socket connection to $this->remote_host:$this->remote_port.";
return 0;

// if we have a username and password, add the header
if ( isset($this->remote_uname) && isset($this->remote_passwd) )
$array_headers['Authorization'] = 'Basic '.base64_encode("$this->remote_uname:$this->remote_passwd");

// for DA skins: if $this->remote_passwd is NULL, try to use the login key system
if ( isset($this->remote_uname) && $this->remote_passwd == NULL )
$array_headers['Cookie'] = "session={$_SERVER['SESSION_ID']}; key={$_SERVER['SESSION_KEY']}";

// if method is POST, add content length & type headers
if ( $this->method == 'POST' )
$array_headers['Content-type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
$array_headers['Content-length'] = strlen($content);
// else method is GET or HEAD. we don't support anything else right now.
if ($content)
$request .= "?$content";

// prepare query
$query = "$this->method $request HTTP/1.0\r\n";
foreach ( $array_headers as $key => $value )
$query .= "$key: $value\r\n";
$query .= "\r\n";

// if POST we need to append our content
if ( $this->method == 'POST' && $content )
$query .= "$content\r\n\r\n";

// query connection
if ($this->bind_host)

// now load results
while ( $out = socket_read($socket,2048) )
$this->result .= $out;
fwrite( $socket, $query, strlen($query) );

// now load results
$this->lastTransferSpeed = 0;
$status = socket_get_status($socket);
$startTime = time();
$length = 0;
$prevSecond = 0;


while ( !feof($socket) && !$status['timed_out'] )
$chunk = fgets($socket, $readsize);
$length += strlen($chunk);
$this->result .= $chunk;

$elapsedTime = time() - $startTime;

if ( $elapsedTime > 0 )
$this->lastTransferSpeed = ($length/$readsize)/$elapsedTime;

if ( $doSpeedCheck > 0 && $elapsedTime > 5 && $this->lastTransferSpeed < $doSpeedCheck )
$this->warn[] = "kB/s for last 5 seconds is below 50 kB/s (~".( ($length/$readsize)/$elapsedTime )."), dropping connection...";
$this->result_status_code = 503;


if ( $this->lastTransferSpeed == 0 )
$this->lastTransferSpeed = $length/$readsize;


list($this->result_header,$this->result_body) = split("\r\n\r\n",$this->result,2);

if ($this->bind_host)

$this->query_cache[] = $query;

$headers = $this->fetch_header();

// what return status did we get?
if (!$this->result_status_code)
preg_match("#HTTP/1\.. (\d+)#",$headers[0],$matches);
$this->result_status_code = $matches[1];

// did we get the full file?
if ( !empty($headers['content-length']) && $headers['content-length'] != strlen($this->result_body) )
$this->result_status_code = 206;

// now, if we're being passed a location header, should we follow it?
if ($this->doFollowLocationHeader)
if ($headers['location'])
$this->redirectURL = $headers['location'];


function getTransferSpeed()
return $this->lastTransferSpeed;

* The quick way to get a URL's content :)
* @param string URL
* @param boolean return as array? (like PHP's file() command)
* @return string result body
function get($location, $asArray = FALSE )

if ( $this->get_status_code() == 200 )
if ($asArray)
return split("\n",$this->fetch_body());

return $this->fetch_body();

return FALSE;

* Returns the last status code.
* 200 = OK;
* 403 = FORBIDDEN;
* etc.
* @return int status code
function get_status_code()
return $this->result_status_code;

* Adds a header, sent with the next query.
* @param string header name
* @param string header value
function add_header($key,$value)
$this->extra_headers[$key] = $value;

* Clears any extra headers.
function clear_headers()
$this->extra_headers = array();

* Return the result of a query.
* @return string result
function fetch_result()
return $this->result;

* Return the header of result (stuff before body).
* @param string (optional) header to return
* @return array result header
function fetch_header( $header = '' )
$array_headers = split("\r\n",$this->result_header);

$array_return = array( 0 => $array_headers[0] );

foreach ( $array_headers as $pair )
list($key,$value) = split(": ",$pair,2);
$array_return[strtolower($key)] = $value;

if ( $header != '' )
return $array_return[strtolower($header)];

return $array_return;

* Return the body of result (stuff after header).
* @return string result body
function fetch_body()
return $this->result_body;

* Return parsed body in array format.
* @return array result parsed
function fetch_parsed_body()
return $x;

