Bekijk Volledige Versie : Crysis Dedicated Server

15/11/07, 09:04
Hey hey all

Weet een van jullie toevallig hoe de config eruit ziet van crysis dedicated server.
Heb namelijk wel een hele mooie dedicated server exec, op de cd staan. Maar over een config praten ze niet (nog niet eens een hostname veranderen) ->|


15/11/07, 10:22
Ik kan hem ook nergens vinden. Moet die config nog uitkomen om te downloaden of heeft alleen i3d er de mogelijkheden voor :)

15/11/07, 12:33
Wij hebben inderdaad hiervoor speciale contracten met EA :)

15/11/07, 13:38
En jij mag die zekers niet delen met anderen??? :rolleyes:

(Ook niet als ik het heel erg lief in een PB vraag :X?)

15/11/07, 14:52
* PM

Als het om een contract gaat spreekt het voor zich dat hij nee gaat zeggen lijkt me.

15/11/07, 15:26
* PM

Als het om een contract gaat spreekt het voor zich dat hij nee gaat zeggen lijkt me.

Personal Message, Persoonlijk Bericht....
Lijkt me alle twee hetzelfde, alleen een andere taal ;)

Je weet het nooit, nee heb je, ja kun je krijgen.

15/11/07, 15:28
Maar helaas is het nee ;)

15/11/07, 17:30
Ook niet aan mij?xD

15/11/07, 21:38
Game/Client Cvars

g_loadMod - ?

Multiplayer Commands
disconnect - Stop a game (or a client or a server)
connect - Start a client and connect to a server
g_quickGame - Quick connect to good server.
name - Sets player name.
net_pb_cl_enable - Sets PunkBuster client enabled state
spectator - Sets the player as a spectator.
startKickVoting - Initiate voting.
startNextMapVoting - Initiate voting.
status - Shows connection status
team - Sets player team.

General Commands
con_restricted - 0=normal mode / 1=restricted access to the console
g_skipIntro [0] - Skip all the intro videos.
Bind - Bind a action to a key
LoadConfig - Load .cfg file from disk (from the Game/Config directory) - LoadConfig
map - Load a map
record - Starts recording of a time demo. - record demoname ('demoname.tmd' will be created)
stoprecording - Stops recording of a time demo.
restartgame - Restarts Crysis completely.

Server Cvars

General Settings
g_autoteambalance - Enables auto team balance.
sv_cheatprotection [1] - Enable cheat protection
sv_gamerules [PowerStruggle] - The game rules that the server should use, (PowerStruggle/InstantAction)
sv_lanonly [0] = Set 1 for LAN games.
sv_levelrotation [levelrotation] - Sequence of levels to load after each game ends.
sv_map - The map the server should load
sv_maxplayers [32] - Maximum number of players allowed to join server.
sv_maxspectators [32] - Maximum number of players allowed to be spectators during the game.
sv_password - Server password
sv_port [64087] - Server address
sv_servername - Server name will be displayed in server list. If empty, machine name will be used.

Advanced Settings
g_fraglead - Number of frags a player has to be ahead of other players once g_fraglimit is reached. Default is 1.
g_fraglimit - Number of frags before a round restarts. Default is 0, 0 means no frag-limit.
g_minplayerlimit - Minimum number of players to start a match.
g_minteamlimit - Minimum number of players in each team to start a match.
g_pp_scale_income - Scales incoming PP. [1]
g_pp_scale_price - Scales PP prices. [1]
g_preroundtime [8] - Frozen time before round starts. Default is 8, 0 Disables freeze time.
g_roundlimit [0] - Maximum numbers of rounds to be played. Default is 0, 0 means no limit.
g_roundtime [0] - Duration of a round (in minutes). Default is 0, 0 means no time-limit.
g_MPDeathCam - Enables / disables the MP death camera (shows the killer's location)
g_spectate_TeamOnly [0] - If true, you can only spectate players on your team
g_teamlock [2] - Number of players one team needs to have over the other, for the game to deny joining it. 0 disables.
g_tk_punish [1] - Turns on punishment for team kills.
g_tk_punish_limit [5] - Number of team kills user will be banned for.
net_pb_sv_enable - Sets PunkBuster server enabled state
sv_ranked [0] - Enable statistics report, for official servers only.
sv_timeofdayenable [0] - Enables time of day simulation.
sv_timeofdaylength [1] - Sets time of day changing speed.
sv_timeofdaystart [12] - Sets time of day start time.
sv_voting_cooldown [180] - Voting cooldown
sv_voting_ratio [0.51] - Part of player's votes needed for successful vote
sv_voting_team_ratio [0.67] - Part of team member's votes needed for successful vote.
sv_voting_timeout [60] - Voting timeout in seconds.
sv_gs_report [1] - Enable Gamespy server reporting, this is necessary for NAT negotiation
sv_gs_trackstats [1] - Enable Gamespy stats tracking
sv_autoconfigurl - Automatically download configuration data from a URL
sv_bind [] - Bind the server to a specific IP address
sv_packetRate [30] - Packet rate on server
sv_bandwidth [50000] - Bit rate on server
sv_voicecodec [speex] - Codec to use for voice.

sv_restart - Restarts the round.
sv_say - Broadcasts a message to all clients.
g_nextlevel - Switch to next level in rotation or restart current one.
ban - Bans player for (ban_timout) minutes from server. [See ban_timeout]
ban_remove - Removes player from ban list.
ban_status - Shows currently banned players.
ban_timeout - Ban timeout in minutes
kick - Kicks player from game
kickid - Kicks player from game
kill - Kills the player
rcon_command - Issues a console command from a RCON client to a RCON server
rcon_connect - Connects to a remote control server
rcon_disconnect - Disconnects from a remote control server
rcon_startserver - Starts a remote control server
rcon_stopserver - Stops a remote control server
net_next_map - Notify clients of the next map to play

Other Settings/Commands
http_startserver - Starts an HTTP server
http_stopserver - Stops an HTTP server
sv_DedicatedCPUPercent [0] - Sets the target CPU usage when running as a dedicated server, or disable this feature if it's zero. Usage: sv_DedicatedCPUPercent [0..100].
sv_DedicatedMaxRate [50] - ets the maximum update rate when running as a dedicated server. Usage: sv_DedicatedMaxRate [5..500]

16/11/07, 00:07
Bedankt :)

Waar had je ze gevonden?

16/11/07, 09:04
Personal Message, Persoonlijk Bericht....
Lijkt me alle twee hetzelfde, alleen een andere taal ;)


18/11/07, 22:26
Nou ik ga maar vast wat extra bandbreedte inslaan.

15 GB per dag voor 20 slots. Laat staan 32 slots....